Agility = Fragility

Fuck it! Let's talk gamedev really fast.

One of the biggest problems facing this industry is it's overrun by goofballs who haven’t pushed themselves to understand how things work under the hood, have never gotten their hands dirty. And if you leave some knob, some setting exposed that if you punch it up to 11 it's going to break everything and no one's going to know why.

So the vast bulk of effort gets spent making all tools safe, and clean, and easy to use and ergonomic, rather than a horrible amalgamation of logic and exposed insanity.

But you want the insanity! If you can't handle the heavy machinery you shouldn't be adjusting the knobs!

Once everything is locked in, and you've turned your tools into toys for a throng of fair-weather devs who have no idea how the nuts and bolts work, you've cut yourself off from all further improvements, you're no longer able to push forward and make the game better, improve your systems, make punches punchier, flip kick flip kickier.

When your car is made out of bottle caps and duct tape, do you have any idea how easy it is to add wings to that mother fucker!?

This industry has spent so much damn energy developing workflows and practice that have only served to make them heavier, whereas I feel we're just gearin' up to take to  the skies.

Games are finite state machines, you start to realize this the more you work on this stuff. The simpler things are for the code creators, the cleaner the logic internally, the more messy they're going to look to outside observers like managers, level designers and artists. And their feedback is going to poison the internal workings of the project. Nothing could be further from the truth that catering to those outside who have no idea WTF they're doing is going to improve the project in the end.

KEEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Simple to the coder is the exact opposite of someone with no developed toolset that needs everything to look shiny and safe to look as tough it has value on the surface level.

Anyway, random gamedev tangent before we get to work.

Feel like we've regressed so much as game creators over the past decade, we've wasted so much talent and time to dig ourselves a nice big, normal mapped, ergonomic, well  commented, at by committed hole, that any geriatric coder can dive into and make more complex, but isn't any better than the 50 polygon holes we had back in the quake days.

All this time I thought we were learning things the wrong way as all the great coders were teaching one another the best way to do things. But in all actuality, we were simply insulated from the stupid over-managed, dick drivel bullshit of art by committee. 

If anyone else were to come onto SeaCrit and try to design weapons or fish, or whatever, they'd break everything. There are no safeguards, I don't have the time to make it perfectly ergonomic, lots of random logic is scattered in places convenient for me as a one man dev team, but not for external designers.

SeaCrit is fragile, but all of it's vital organs are exposed, I can operate and rearrange its guts incredibly fast and I know the internals like the back of my hand by this point. So while you would THINK being a singular dev handling the hole damned pipeline from art, to sound to code, and not having a throng of 50 coders handling each system independently would make me slower, it actually doesn't. I'm only slowed down by the sheer mountain of other shit I gotta do, like complain on the internet!

And this is what modern games have lost, that unique spirit of creation. Everything is some modular median gear that fits with all the other mediocrity this industry demands.

Anyhow, 'bout to get to work. Not super pumped about it, but what the hell else we going to do? Gotta suck it up and get to work. Gonna add some fish, get them dropping items, and fix whatever inevitable pain in the ass issues pop up. Fun times.

Get SeaCrit

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