Sea Change

Tanks a little empty 


So just a light blog, gotta save something for the project. It does help to put up thoughts and go through these motions of articulating them, reinforcing them. And let’s be real, I enjoy running my mouth like the fucktard know-it-all I am.

For so long I’ve been in defensive mode. Afraid of putting the game out there. You only get that one chance to make a first impression. Who’s going to want to publish our game anyway, this world is against us. It’s not good enough, it’s just going to get rejected and it’s going to kill our spirits.

Well, we’ve suffered plenty of rejection as a gamedev, I think we’re pretty numb to it by now, in fact, I don’t think it would impact our resolve at all if we put up a demo and it only got like 2 plays per usual. Well maybe a little, but it wouldn’t rock our world or anything like it’s done in the past.

Ambling around this blog per usual, but point is, I think it’s time for us to start putting out builds. No grand, “HEY GUYS, IT’S SEACRIT 1.0!”, but it’s time to start knocking off the jitters and start putting out builds, and get in that mindset that, “Hey things are going well, this game IS worth playing, and we desperately need feedback!” 

That’s the real kicker, I’ve been developing so long in a cave that I’m not accustomed to the new player perspective. I”ll likely make things too hard, not allow things to breathe that may take a bit of time to pick up on. It may very well be true that we have enough content here for a much larger game, and if I try to pack it into a small space, it’ll be poorly tuned content with just way too much stuff that fights against itself.

And the world is changing… fast. I’ve made it no SeaCrit that we’re not trying to be in this mad machines good graces, that we are not trying to feed the beast. We have been a middle finger to this madness from the start, unwavering. And for the longest time, that has made this entire ordeal feel impossible at times. Made me feel like a psychotic, lone madman fighting waging an impossible battle against the world.

For the longest time, we’ve been a crazed fooktard screaming at clouds in the sky. A joke, Captain Ahab.

But the  social mechanisms that have safeguarded this decline, the soft handed moralists that stole the wheel have been given ample time, and their fruits are laid bare, and the world is only now starting to catch up to what we’ve known to be true this entire time.

“Small teams is the way to go! We need innovative new ideas! It’s not about the graphics it’s about the game! Enough with this moralistic socio-political virtue signalling in video games! These studios have hemorrhaged all talent and are composed of nothing but activists!”

M*THER FUCKERS, I’ve been screaming about the gaming end times for fucking years now!

Honestly I don’t know what took so long. In this industry of so many talented and impassioned developers no one else was sounding the alarm!? WTF?

Cowards and backscratchers, that’s the gaming industry folks.

I don’t want to go too hard, there are good people in this industry, they try to be agreeable, they try to be positive, but year on year these echo chambers have disfigured them.

So much for not going on a crazed tangent.

What were we even  blathering about? Some days my brain just isn’t working at 100% and these are the day’s it’s hard to drag ourselves to get to work, because holy bajeezus is this project demanding at this point.

The main point of this blog was to outline what we wanted to get done, so let’s at least get that done and call it a wrap.

Oh I almost forgot! I begrudgingly opened the project and got a little work done, but at the start it really just hit me, “Hot damn, this game is starting to get good!” So thank heavens for that! I have much to get in the game, but it’s going to show so much potential long before we start getting everything online. All the more reason to release early and bring other potential players along for the ride. I have no idea where to find them, or get feedback, but a few of you are lurking out there, and it’s about damned time I start venturing from this cave a bit more and start playing the nag the fuck out of people to play and get my project out there mode.

So, anyway, for today… Super light list, let’s just get a couple fish variants done up for fish that have items equipped and they can drop those items. And we’ll have a mindset for polishing everything as we go. NPC abilities, item stats, UI showing off bonuses and abilities. Ugh, you assholes have no idea how much work goes into making just small improvements.

This is how it always is with gamedev. You have this big thing you want to get in your game, and your brain is only able to imagine a small fraction, and the most exciting bits of work that are required for those mechanics to come online and be a boon to your project. But 90% of that iceberg is underwater and it’s a lot of tedious horse shit.

And THAT is why most games fail. Gamedev is not some wonderful, fun experience of creating neat mechanicsc, and singing kumbaya with your little group of friends. It’s about wading out solo, up to your neck in all that mud, guts and shit, and wrangling with this innards until you’re able to sutcher together that disgusting monstrosity of logic, shock it with what little energy you can muster and hope that it comes lurching to life. Watching it twitch and gasp, as it slowly exhales and fades again to nothing.

Then you wake up and do it all again, to the sounds of the angry townsfolk with their pitchforks outside.


Anywho! Back to work soon, blech

Get SeaCrit

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