It's Time to Eat Our F*cking Marshmallows

In prior blogs i’ve commented on how our dev style is akin to eating the non marshmallow bits from a bowl of lucky charms.

I open the engine, I bust my ass on tedious shit, and the MOMENT it starts being fun. We take it out and we start adding broken, terrible stuff. So our project has been a constant unfinished, miniscule game of incomplete nothing for many years now.

While other teams were obsessing making their promo videos and having all the cool stuff to pitch to publishers, we went dark. And we stewed and we bled and day on day SeaCrit changed and evolved in this disfigured state, under my knife, a frankenstein of half formed logic, and malformed systems.

But stitch by stitch we became surgical with our development, our wretched creation learned not to fear the fire. 

And now after all these tortured years agonizing in this damned engine in solace, we eat our GADDAM MARSHMALLOWS M*THER FUCKERS.

I gotta be real, you know how it is around here. I’m not feeling 100%, we’re at about 60%, and we’re burned the fuck out, we have been running on empty for too damned long without an ounce of fucking help. That’s fine, it just makes what we are accomplishing that much fucking cooler.

Finally not seeing the game as this huge mountain that needs climbing.

Right now you go into SeaCrit, you bounce around, engage in some boring combat and maybe and that’s about it. There’s no game here.

That’s going to start changing. There is SO MUCH to get in the game, my head spins thinking about it.

And i’ve made the call that we will worry about polishing it and making it perfect later.

For now, FINALLLY we will be implementing the game.

I actually got some decent work in yesterday, cleaned up our pipeline, I’m now confident for the first time in how we create the world, how it fits into our unloading system, while also being very organized and easy to adjust and propagate. If we want to build up a lot of custom unique content here, we can do that. If we want to reuse junk that was fun over there, we can do that too.

So many enemy types to add in. So many weapons, so many pieces of armor, and rings, and shops, and story, and tutorials, and bonuses, and progression mechanics, and platforming mechanics.

And they are all largely made, they are all done. I just need to add them in.

Lots of stage fright. What if it’s not good? What if we just have to work forever until people find it ok?

Well, that’s fine. That’s fucking gamedev.

So today we add shit, tomorrow we polish it up.

Enough pussy footing around and tinkering endlessly without ever building towards our game. To be fair, it took a lot of resolve NOT to indulge, to build up the foundations, to have faith that we could push all these systems and synchronicities to the point that there was a coherent experience to put out there.

So many games will put out these promo materials with these 2 second cuts of some perfectly timed animation with a cool particle effect. With cool sounds all scripted to create this illusion of quality.

That was never my goal. SeaCrit is authentic and real.

It’s finally time to start adding this shit.

Not expecting a fantastic day, felt a bit breathless after work yesterday so keeping sessions under 3 hours, but I am excited to get these fish in, to start feeling out the layout of the world, and get all this fun goodness finally in the game.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be better than the other slop that’s out there. And dare I say out, I’m feeling pretty fucking confident that even with 2 hands tied behind our backs, 0 fucking support, and learning on the job, we’re going to  trounce these fake fuck hack mother fuckers that have stolen this industry.

As always, may the best game win m*ther fuckers

Sneaking this in here in an edit, had a chat with Grok regarding my health issues and though I have to take this with a grain of salt, it seems plausible, from now on I'm going to do more breathing exercises and hydrate like a mother fucker when episodes set in.

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