A Day in the Life (of an insufferable edgelord)

So a day after being banned on the official reddit forums, I see the Reddit community for Unity going absolutely mental. Part of me just watches out of morbid curiosity, and part of me is always keeping an eye out for news regarding Unity as (hopefully) our future is tied to this engine in a positive way.

Ugh, took a nap, did some light exercise and really just feeling like shit right now. Which really sucks because this was supposed to be the moment we get back to work. Could be worse! We don’t feel as breathless as we did a year ago, but it’s definitely setting in, hoping it wont be too bad.

I was all set up to write this long blog post about how we’re an insufferable edgelord, tattle tailing on the internet and just a whiney Karen that cares entirely too much about internet bullshit. It really is kinda sad.

But easy to get stuck in this diminutive state when health is fading and the world has gone crazy and judgemental and up its own arse and you’re obsessing about trying to get the project you’ve wasted the past decade trying to slap together in a world that wants to see it fail.

Feeling a tad better as I type this, going to take a bath and hope for the best. Maybe we can get a little work done today after all. Spending too much time shitposting and regurgitating our tired bullshit online. I honestly have no idea how this helps, it really doesn’t, all it does it occupy the time… which I guess kinda helps.

As for this post, as self incriminating and petty as it is, I hope it can shed just the smallest glimpse of the bigger picture.

You might think to yourself, "So what, it's just a few redditor mods, what did you expect?"

This is the attitude of the entire industry. These smarmy, tribalists are EVERYWHERE. This industry is INFESTED with this smarmy back scratching.

Ugh, I've ranted and raved enough in this blog for several lifetimes. I will at least own up to that. What drives me crazy is these asshats don't even seem to see a problem with their terrible behaviors, can't even see how this problem is magnified and made more rancid on such a mass scale.

It truly is sickening how we've allowed this smarminess, pettiness, and bullying to infect the entirity of this industry that was meant to be light hearted, and fun... at least to some degree. Let's be real, how chipper can you be after smashing your head against the wall solving bugs all day :P

Sick to death of these cry bullies hiding behind “community reports” as if they aren’t flagging posts themselves, communicating in their whisper networks. These fuckheads always use their catty little groups to amplify their influence. Mass report, mass flag, play their silly little childish anarchist games.

The only thing more pathetic is sitting around on the internet letting it get to you :P

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