I'm Tired, Boss

We'll rally at some point, but right now, I'm just so tired.

I hate when I’m burned out, worthless. The days just pass by, those rare moments meant for living just empty into the dirt while the world spins around.

Tired of working day over day in a world that doesn’t give a shit, is too stupid to give a shit, too petulant to give a shit, too self serving to give a shit.

Everyone is throwing a petulant shit fit to safeguard their ill-gained nothings.

And I’m sitting here like a dumb fuck within these same four walls fighting for survival.

We need to work, we need to strike while the irons hot, when we’ve still got piss and vinegar in us, but the tides drift by.

People are too busy rubbing one another off in the circle jerk to lend a hand.

I cannot put into words how broken this world has become. The coddling, the stupefying  enterprises, the sunk cost into scrambling each others brains and pointing fingers.

I know I’ve been angry in these parts, I know these blog posts are uncomfortable.

Sorry, not sorry, most of you need a swift kick in the ass. This world has gone to shit, you have facilitated that. And now that there are wheels in motion to fix it NOW you cast yourselves in an attempt to save the machine, to keep the pulp feeding into your troughs.

I truly believe SeaCrit is going amazingly well at long last, I no longer question if we can cut it, if we are any good. I know we're a cut above, I know we are making something special, and it makes it that much more painful to get to work. The whole of this world continues to kick it into the dirt.

You actually bleed for this medium, you work your ass off, you develop great new systems, you figure out how to actually make a game and make it WELL, and how does the world repay you?

Cuts you down for daring to reveal the mass sloth and incompetence.

For over a decade I’ve worked with these petulant shit heads, the back scratchers, these see no evil, hear no evil, snot -nosed mother fuckers. And they have done nothing but churn the good and innocent to pulp to safeguard their precious nothing.

It’s absolutely fucking revolting.

I fear for the future, what will happen if any eyes ever happen to find our project, because we have turned into a very well deserved middle finger to all the fuck heads that have destroyed this world. And they have all the money and power, and all the means to turn man against man for their own interests.

It’s so crazy to me.

All we ever wanted was a chance to make a bunch of other fat cats a lot of money doing the one thing we were any good at. But when you do that well, and you stand by it, that’s too offensive to the weak, fake fuck stains that have subverted this industry.

Strange blog, strange times. What can you do? Not sure we’ll get any work done today, slept like shit and just running on empty any more. We’ve been pushing through the burnout for far too long, fighting for another chance to be kicked into the dirt.

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Hello!. How are you ? When will we be getting that new build ? I hope that you're going to get some work done today.I've seen in your devlogs the new area you've been working on and I just wanted to know when we'll be able to play a new build.I hope you're doing well and can't wait to try out a new build.

(2 edits)

Don't worry about me Antonio, I only get in the dumps because I push too hard and get frustrated because I'm a goober, I'll be fine (I'm resilient as shit)! And thank you so much for the post, it gets quiet as hell in here and it's nice to not be talking to the voices haunting this cave for once!

If you'd asked me 2 months ago how long till the next build, I woulda told ya in 3 days. If you were to ask me today for the build, I'd say 2 days. That's just how gamedev is. It always takes longer than you think.

BUT! This next build is a doozy, it's so much more than just a new area. I'm try to get the dropped items in, all the enemy types, and polished mechanics and world building.

In short, HOPEFULLY not too much longer! :)

I always read your devlogs even though I don't comment on them.

I think we all push ourselves a bit too hard when it comes to gamedev. I've recently been thinking of working on a project. Maybe go through my old ones and pick one up.

It's great to hear that you've been making a lot of progress.I've always wanted to ask.Will it be a seamless world or will you be breaking it up into different locations,kinda like hungry shark evolution does it?  

One big seamless world, in fact one of the things i've been spending lots of time on is developing a load system, you can check out the work in real-time here if you want (though you probably wouldn't want to because it's boring XD: 

I really appreciate that dude! Sometimes I feel like I'm wearing a straight jacket screaming at a wall alone, but it's nice to know others are hearing my blathers!

Hey unless you're against it I'm going to add you to the special thanks list in the game for being so darned supportive over all this time, let me know if you're cool with that! And if you do want to be added let me know what name you'd like attributed to you, you can be eternally part of the crappy game of SeaCrit!


Nah it ain't boring. I can normally watch the ones that are between 30min to 1hr. but the ones that are way over that I can't get through fully. I watch it because there are things that I actually learn from it.

Your devlogs and your posts on X are quite helpful.

That would be an honor. If that is okay with you,then by all means you may do so.

I guess you could use my name.Antonio. This way I can be eternally part of the great game SeaCrit.

The game you're building is really good and I hope you don't look down on yourself too much.It's one thing to criticise and look inward but another to discourage ourselves.The video you linked has once again shown the fluid movement and fun gameplay you have.

Also. Are you planning on going for a pc and android release at the same time. Do you find building for android more tedious ? I remember one of my first 3D projects I made for android was so unoptimized I just canned it.

Ok, i'll add ya in next dev session! I'm doing pretty good, we all have our downer days, and the stuff out of our control there isn't any point stressing about anyway. Unity is really good about porting to other platforms, so barring any big bug I should be able to port to PC, Android, Mac, and Web all on the same day. Last time I did an android build I THINK it was low framerate but it's been so long since I made one. The Web build on phone is really good for about 2 minutes, and then over time the performance degrades. I'll dive into build specific performance stuff once I'm closer to releasing the builds!