Gotta Go Fast

So, we’ve been burned out, and feeling a little off lately and I’ve decided that the best course of action is to just take it easy for a day or two. No dev. And I figure this is a good time to fast and not any food, so it’s not like we’re going to be enjoying ourselves, we’re going to be cranky and hungry but it tends to help when we’re not feeling great. And overall we’ve been feeling much better of late, so in a much better place than several months ago!

Still terrified of pulling the trigger and getting everything up and running. What if this or that isn’t as fun as we’d hoped? What about all those performance problems and stutters that happen on this device or that device, or how the keyboard controls are kinda wonky in this instance or the mouse could be better with this or that polish.

I cannot even begin to tell you the sheer volume of shit we have to do. Just the other day I was adding sWords into the game, and I gave them the “grewsome” bonus, which causes each hit to deal more and more damage (get it…. GREW SOME!?) and I looked at the logic and it automatically caused sWords to cause wounding to enemies, and I wasn’t sure if that’s what I wanted, and I couldn’t even remember what the grewSome bonus did to begin with and I have like 30 bonuses in the game that aren’t balanced or tested and i’ve forgotten what over half of them even do and I’m left wondering, Should I just gut them and add them one by one?

SO MUCH CONTENT is going to need tweaks and tunings until this game reaches its potential and I worry about people playing early builds of the game and thinking its shit before everything is online and balanced.

But truthfully, I think the game is actually pretty fucking good even as is. Not AMAZING, but pretty fucking good for where it is and how much faster it will get better.

But we’ve been deving really friggin’ hard for the past month or two and sometimes you just need a  break.

No point stressing getting one or two hours done today or tomorrow, we’ll be recharged when we’re recharged. I know that when we’re feeling it and busting out 15 hour days again the game is going to be rocking and rolling in no time.

Proof we haven’t been sitting on our ass fookin’ off all day:


Get SeaCrit

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