
Don’t really have anything big to say with this blog. But at this point it’s kind of our routine to post a blog post, psych ourselves up and then get to work.

This might be the moment where we finally start piecing together the game, adding enemies, adding all the areas, really locking in our pipelines and making this a real game.

OR! We run into some tiny nagging issue and spend the next 8 horus polishing random stuff strewn all over our project. Your guess is as good as mine.

Strange days in this industry. In this world.

People argue over the most petty bullshit, and I’m certainly no exception.

I just spent entirely too long trying to beat it into people’s heads why I’m not entirely thrilled with Steam sucking up 30% profits on Twitter.

And I have to wonder, why the fuck are we talking mad shit about a potential platform that won’t appreciate that that is likely where we will have any chance whatsoever of making a profit?

Because we’re fucking retarded, that’s why.

I don’t even hate steam, I think overall it’s a fantastic service, hell it’s where I buy all my games. I’m just a fucking idiot hypocrite like everyone else who didn’t give a fuck until I started getting closer to the release of my demo XD

Here’s the thing. I think the great companies of yesteryear like Disney, and even great companies today like Nintendo, I think they act professional out of dignity and respect for the medium. Sure profits and getting their troll, shitmouthed developers in line to protect the  bottom line is a factor.

But any more I think most studios are just full of fucking cowards who stand for nothing and believe in nothing but making another dollar.

So fuck it we shoot our mouth off because we’re passionate about this stuff.

This is the moment. We’re about to open the project and put enemies in it and try to stitch it together.

And if we fixate the end goal, that this has to be the greatest game over by the end of today, and if we thirst after that vindication, and that trail out of this damned cave too hard it becomes an impossible journey destined for failure.

From a different angle, we get to add all kinds of cool stuff today and start getting various things online.

It’s ok if bits of the combat are terribly imbalance, and level design isn’t perfect. We’re not aming for perfection in content, we are aiming for improvements in iteration.

We’re but one lone neckbeard fuck working on a complex game. Good things take time.

We’re not dead yet, head down, nothin’ left to do but keep on pushin’ forward.

Get SeaCrit

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