Just Settin' Up for the Slog
Whew, that was a doozy of a blog yesterday huh? I thought about deleting it today, because frankly its just straight fucking embarrassing, but we're nothing if not honest 'round here. So while we did have a rough night, we did act like a whiney loser, you know... I feel like we earned a little bit of venting time. That was several days worth of pushing ourselves to the absolute limits manifesting in a singular moment, the frustrations of all these years.
The more that everyone wakes to the realities of the world, sees through the big lies, the more we are validated, the frustrations magnify and I was having a bit of a pity party. And nothing good can come from that. So today we're putting on our big boy pants, we're taking a deep breath and we're going to push forward.
If we were a perfectly well adjusted, rational being, SeaCrit would not be in as good a place as it is. Emotional kinks is one of the dirty secrets of tech! You gotta have a few screws loose in order to care enough about this soulless enterprise to put yoruself this stupid ordeal in order to construct the bits of logic that materialize into people being able to eviscerate the oceans as a baby shark.
You gotta take the good with the bad and everyone has their moments! We're just enough of a dumb fuck to post ours online XD
Game is going really well! I haven't lamented paying the piper in some time but that's what we're doing of late! The reward for getting lots of work done is... MORE WORK! MOAR MOAR MOAR (Hey I know what blog song we'll do today!).
Gamedev is a thirsty bitch.
Gotta fix up some dialogue issues, implement a few things, and keep the momentum going. The world is crumbling, this industry has fallen to its knees and SeaCrit is rising like a m*ther fucker.
These are not the times to mope around and kick and scream, these are the times to put the axe to the grind and whoop some ass, so that's what we gon' do!
Gotta save some energy for devin', so that's about it for now. Do I regret the blog yesterday? Yeah... kinda. But at the same time, we've been penting up that frustration for a long long time and the important thing is that it's out. We didn't do it any justice, only in the haze of a 70 hour work week did we finally reach the boiling point to actually pull the trigger and regurgitate that garbage.
Did we really mean it? At the time, absolutely. But now I just feel kinda silly.
That's just being human. And I wish we could all learn that not everyone is their worst moments at all times. We have good days, we have bad days, we all believe crazy stupid things, we all have our biases and our distastes, and those can grow or decay with the person.
I like to think that there are no lost causes out there. Hell, it tickles my brain to think we might be one of those.
So we're not going to drag ourselves like a whiney kicking and screaming child to eat their vegetables getting to work on SeaCrit. We GET to work on SeaCrit. It's kicking ass, it's showing its potential, just got some rough edges we gotta sand out... FOR THE 10,000th! TIME! FOR EIGHT FOOKING YEARS WE'VE BEEN DEALING WITH THIS SHIT!
Just kidding! XDDDD
But seriously, fuck that piper. Mother fucker always needs his due.
Time to get back to bleedin'! Even in a world that doesn't give a shit!
But you know what? Who gives a fuck if the world gives a shit or not? That gives you the freedom to do whatever the heck you want! No one is stopping you making the next great game, or great song, or great Tic Tok Video (I so wish I could stop you)! So bust your ass, do your passion, and own that shit. No one is stopping your from chasing that white whale. Only you can get in the way of achieving great shit... and the IRS.
Good fucking god, it's time to get to work already!
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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