Let's Have an Insightful Dialogue on Building the Quality Teams That Build Quality Games
The discourse of late has been hollow and spiteful. This is true of my blog as well if we're honest.
For the longest time I've been meaning to make more substantial posts, to be part of the solution, to discuss the finer details of gamedev, how to see the forest for the trees and finding that balance.
Gamedev is not a linear exercise it's a multifaceted Rubik's cube that evolves in time and forms many different puzzles from whichever angle you view it at any given time depending on the current position you are in your growth as a developer, and the current point of your project.
Just kidding, maybe we'll talk something substantive tomorrow. Let's bitch about how a bunch, of rich, nihilist, dumb shit mother fuckers destroyed this entire industry by hiring people based on what I'm going to call the "Steven Hawking Paradigm".
You've got this applicant and they wear glasses, huh... they must be smart! And they're physically disheveled, and they're bound to a wheelchair, and they're covered in zits and they spend all day playing pokemon. GOOD LORD THEY MUST BE A GAMEDEV GENIUS. And the kicker is they're really fucking overly assertive, total fucking neckbeard, a pain in the ass to work with, argumentative, they throw their weight around, and every single person who disagrees with them they treat like shit and they lord their superior intelect over everyone around them!
Here's the problem, a throng of neckbeard script kiddies who smell bad are impossible to pick out from the rare talent that also smells bad, and acts like crazed know it all that actually knows how to make the secret sauce.
And this is further compounded by the fact that doing everything the RIGHT WAY often looks more like failure than a bunch of worthless jack asses getting absolutely nothing done!
A team pushing forward and pushing the envelope is going to make WAY more mistakes and have WAY more errors and issues as they feel out the flow over a team of finger pointing assholes who are looking out for themselves over the needs of a project.
This post is starting to make way more sense than was my intention, I kinda wanted this to be a rediculous rant about how modern rich venture capitalists don't know their assholes from a hole in the ground, and will throw their money at absolutely anything so long as it looks like and smells like an edgelord and they promise them the world.
Ok, this is miserable failure. We didn't really go hard enough to make this funny, and we didn't make it insightful enough to make it interesting or hold any sort of true value, THEY CAN'T ALL BE WINNERS OK!
This is just a place to blather our blathers and release some steam anyhow, we do PLENTY of holding ourselves to insane standards when we open Unity and get to work.
(I don't recommend watching any of it, it's boring as shit. We work on unload and tag systems. WHAT FUN!)
No coffee, no adderal or whatever that shit the kids take these days to study for tests because they're weak. Raw, uncut, god given Autism, m*ther fuckers. Pure fucking bitterness is coursing through our veins fueling this enterprise.
No brain anurisms, no TERRIBLE shortness of breath (though it did set in a little towards the end). When we wrapped up I figured MAYBE we'd crossed the 8 hour mark but damn, 11 hours. We may be gettin' up there in the years, but we can still swing as hard as any young dip shit neck beard fuck the current gamedev industry is able to serve up. Hell I almost forgot, we got another 3 hours done today just cleaning up some tag nonsense.
I was actually thinking of making this long drawn out post on the POE 2 forums about how to inject better item nuance to their game, and how magic find is trash, same with the old school resist system with its arbitrary lighting, fire, ice, and chaos. And I thought to myself... Why the fuck should we spend our time yelling into a void of the internet where a bunch of other dip shit neckbeards are going to make the usual nay-saying comments and assert their pedestrian opinions?
People have no vision. It's actually mesmerizing how fucking worthless most people are when it comes to deving games. So many false assertions, so many negative Nancy's, "Oh that's what you get for trying something cool!" If it fails it's because the execution was bad. Or it was a bad idea, or it was this or that, and so many people have NO FUCKING IDEA WTF they are fucking talking about.
There are people who i respect, and talk about all manner of things on various social media platforms, and the moment they start talking about gamedev I just check the fuck out. It's not that they're dumb, most people just don't gamedev. They haven't the slightest fucking idea WTF they're talking about.
And what's even more crazy... most people in this industry, most people making the big decisions, and FINALLY after all these years I can say this without looking like just another insufferable neckbeard naysayer know it all... THIS INDUSTRY IS FULL OF LYING, CONNIVING, KNOW NOTHING DIP SHITS WHO HAVE NO IDEA WTF THEY"RE DOING AND HAVE NEVER HAD A SINGLE 1 HOUR DAY wrangling with code. Trying to develop new systems.
These dip shit fake mother fuckers have never even attempted to make an interesting new system before, have no idea the infrastructure and growing complexity that represents, no idea what code standards even are, why they exist. And when they bring on some dumb fuck who can regurgitate several fucking books they've read on code paradigms, they end up handing the entire project to some jackass who's never made the secret sauce.
We over commodified this venture. The notion that this insufferable jackoff was just as good as this insufferable jackoff just because they have the same job title or came from the right school really started taking the tole on this industry. We started taking for granted that you could just scoop people from this little team that made a quality game and put them in a big studio and a decent % of those projects would be fun and profitable.
Somewhere along the line the centipede and greed and self serving mediocrity wound round and starting feeding off its own excrement. Entire game studios became full of fake it till you make it brown nosers from the top all the way down.
You know... the point of this post was for me to make fun of billionaires hiring a legion of neckbeard dumb fucks and commies and lighting their money on fire in a humorous way so I could turn around and talk about how we were going to brainstorm some new system to inspire us to push hard today or tomorrow, but we tend to get lost in the weeds at times.
This is what a bunch of hacks in this industry call "Emergent Play".
I'm just fucking around, fuck all the buzz words, fuck all the processes, fuck all this stiff armed structures and head counts, and mantles and all that fake play house bullshit.
Want to make a game? Open up the fucking code editor and see if you're any good at this shit. It'll take maybe a week. Absolute fucking travesty we have entire studios shitting hundreds of millions of dollars into the dirt as they circle jerk each other what wonderful people they are as they take home fat ass paychecks they squander on pokemon cards.
What a fucking shit show the whole industry is of fake fucks. Fake talent, fake work, fake morals, fake concerns, fake jobs, fake managers, fake CEOs, fake markets, fake audience, fake love of the medium.
This industry can go to hell. I'll see 'em there.
Anywho... I got a few little things to tie up before I have the quiet of the night to really indulge in maybe doing a little work, truth be told, after an 11 FOOKING HOUR dev session, I'm perfectly ok just taking it easy today and getting back to it tomorrow, don't want to overexert my fragile ass.
Gonna think it over and come up with a neat mechanic that gets me tuning up a new item, thinking swords because i've given those fucking weapons ZERO fucking love. Shields are cool, bites have several unique mechanics, pistols and rifles are kicking ass. Holy fuck can I just say how much ass this game is kicking and no one has the slightest fucking idea? SOON!
But swords have a really neat attack set, they just don't really have any mechanics that are unique to them that really give them an edge. Pun TOTALLY Intended and i'm getting a little sick of mother fuckers always saying pun NOT intended. It's OK to be a little punny, you fucks.
So yeah, went a little hard. Let's just say I did it as a comedy device! Yes, I figured if I crossed a line and stayed over the line, this could be a funny roast! I am not in the slightest angry at this forsaken fucking industry full of ungrateful, fuck face assholes who have ruined this world for everyone XDDDDD purely to serve themselves. HAHahahahahahahaha, oh what fun we have!
Ok, edit coming soon, I gotta take about 50% of these cringe F bombs and I also gotta think of some rockin' music!
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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