A Little Blather About Why the World Sucks
I always do this but let's try again! I don't think i'll ever succinctly describe the madness, but it's always on my mind, and it always seems so crazy to me that people don't understand why the world is going to crap.
So imagine you walk into the DMV, and you know your friend works there and you manage to get to their window. You know they're going to bend the rules a little bit, you know they might be able to flip a few settings, call a favor or two and get you out that door maybe with a few extra perks and a few hoops you avoided jumping through. Your other buddy works at a smog shop, and he gave your the paperwork without doing a legit smog test.
When you know people, life is easy. Rules are bent, standards are ignored, they're your friend, you're going to look out for them, they're going to look out for you. At a small scale this is a good thing! We all need those people in our lives be it friends or family who have our back no matter what, who are going to help us when we're in need and we'll do the same for them. Also let me just say FUCK THE DMV.
But what if this notion of favors and helping one another out became a bit more ubiquitous. What if it wasn't just small friend groups looking out for one another? What if society as a whole became more polarized? What if we ended up with a system so large that no one could even perceive it, that was looking out for one group of individuals not based on their character and how much they contribute to society, but arbitrary lines that ran completely amok?
We have this naive notion that the people in that big corporate building that makes toasters, every one of them is laser focused on making the best toasters they possibly can, ESPECIALLY the people running the toaster company, they're probably cracking the whip and really making sure everyone is making great toasters or they'll be out of business right? You'd bet that they get out on the ground floor, and look for those people who bust their butt and provide the best service, and put together the most toasters with the least mistakes, and they're on the hunt for clever engineers doing magic with new heating technologies.
That's how the world works! Right? We all compel each other to work hard and excel... right?
The most profitable toaster companies outsource their labor to china, they indulge in planned obsolescence so you will be buying another toaster in 5 years, they provide further lesser products because they know consumers are largely blind to quality and will be buying most their products on websites, they won't even see the products. Reviews are inflated, gears are greased in promotional algorithms and there's a complex system of astroturfing that promotes certain products above others.
We haven't even gotten into office politics yet...
That Toaster company used to be run by a guy who fucking loved toasters, he commissioned people to built revolutionary toasters and they sold big time, and he expanded and made millions. As he got older, he passed the company on to his kids, and they grew up around toasters and they kinda cared about the family legacy and they did an OK job running the company, but the innovation stifled and global markets changed things. Then the next generation came in, they didn't give a damn about toasters, they were spoiled and ungrateful and they just wanted to cash out, so they sold the company, and now it's just a shell that they slap the logo on and outsource the production and design elsewhere.
No one gives a damn about Toasters in this company. No one gives a damn about doing their job, because as capitalism runs amok generation to generation and as the global economy takes over and work is outsourced, and the creative energies are stifled for monetary schemes that decay the product. In a myriad of ways, our society bends away from the appreciation of hard work and creating great things that service a world, and instead the new management obsesses about amassing more bank notes.
And you end up in a world where the richest and most powerful people don't really do much, they never built much character, and they don't really stand for anything.
And what is a billionaire to do that doesn't really want to sacrifice anything but still wants to feel good about yourself? Well, you start to demonize all those people who do work hard, and who do bust their ass trying to create great things, you sit in your little ivory tower and you conjure these grand social causes, and you create these intricate social and political and media apparatuses that reinforce this notion.
There was no smokey room of conniving billionaires, this just happens naturally at a global scale.
We crazed monkeys are all the hero in our story, no matter our circumstance. A spoiled rich trust fun kid will grow and find some distorted world of the world in which they are fighting the good fight and all others are in their way. And the truly remarkable thing us humans are capable of doing, is simultaneously constructing these grand lies that comfort us that we are the good ones, while in practice these big lies ALSO serve ourselves. Anyone who doesn't think you're the savior of the world and should be in control for the greater good is clearly evil and must be outcast. Plug your ears, reject them, do not even entertain the notion they may have any value in any conceivable way, we are better off without them. You wouldn't want to suffer the same fate would you? It's never implied, but the IMPLICATION is always there.
And following the same mental logical rules, in such a system the vast majority of people will convince themselves fully of the grand self serving lies, they will destroy the evil around them and they will all show up to work right on time for their job at the Toaster factory where they spend 8 hours a day going to meetings telling everyone above them in the hierarchy how wonderful a job they are all doing.
And those at the very tippy top who suffer oh so much guilt, and who indulge oh so much in a great many luxuries you will never be privy to as the grand lie is all that matters will lecture from on high the importance of remaining good and true, and the importance of helping others and in doing good. And they will do so from the tippy tops of their ivory towers, with their perfectly tended to hair, and their perfectly applied makeup and their perfectly delivered conversations on all the perfectly constructed media sets built from shards of glass and stacked cards.
And the winds are picking up, and you never noticed it, because all those people you kicked into the dirt and ejected and banished from your perfect little bubbles were dead to you. And everything seemed to be going perfectly. Your numbers were swelling! The power you exerted on the work force and the people at large was snowballing exponentially! You had sullied your power in a world where nothing mattered any more. Nothing sacrificed, nothing earned, nothing given.
Always take, take, take...
The only exercise that mattered at all was exerting your will on others, and maintaining your abject power and access to post modern decadence.
The bubble you demanded was so absolute, so perfect that it made you weak, it starved those within it of oxygen. Year over year they became more coddled, more worthless, more ingrained in this mad machine that demanded nothing but subservience.
You fell to sloth, you fell reckless, you fell to sheer rotund hubris. You cast away so many that no one was around to tell you your disgusting form was showing, you became the emperor with no clothes.
The whole of society is now mad, driven to loathe character, to loathe sacrifice, to loathe those who would dare sacrifice and work hard, and forge their own path. We've grown so weak that simply entertaining the notion that we are wrong has become a hurt too strong to bear. Simply have a self formed and nuanced opinions on things is an affront the machine cannot allow to pass.
EVERY infraction no matter how small, must be persecuted to its fullest extent and all heretics must be dejected. The madness increases exponentially as the continued rule becomes more and more clear to all: Incompetent, mad, self serving, petulant, unsustainable.
For so long lies and subterfuge has been given a blind eye, and now at the turning of the tides, the orchestrations of the great decline indulge in the greatest petulant flailing and self incrimination in all of history. As the talent bleeds as the competent flee and the principled abandon the crashing towers, we are left to gaze upon them naked, the liars and back scratchers that they are lying in the wreckage they created, as they point fingers and decry the dangers that the builders pose.
It's painful to think of the damage that has been done over these wasted years. The good, principled people who stood up for something cut down and shamed by these cultists and their hollow masters.
We have brought out the worst in one another for too long, and we have become fragile and guilted, and shamed into believing the most horrendous lies that serve no one at all.
Vindication is the worst feeling imaginable, when you saw how terribly the world was shaping up, when you saw the Titanic heading straight for the iceberg. You hooped and hollered and did your best to stir others to safety, but in the end you dove into the frigid waters alone, as the ships coasts into the inevitable end.
We do not criticize and petition for better out of spite and hate. We do so out of a great love for humanity. Not some twisted and sick ethos born from generations of madness and self serving decay wrought by the privileged few who care not for the world around them that was given to them on silver platter on which they spat upon.
Anyhow, went way harder on this than I intended, I was hoping to make this more of an educational blog, but it ended up turning into a pretty angry rant with a good bit of finger pointing. Just calling it like I see it.
To be fair, those driving us into the iceberg are hallucinating they think the iceberg is a giant pillow mound of ice cream with dancing leprechauns on it with a giant pot of gold. Doesn't change the fact that they are self serving, decadent fuck heads with no respect for those who suffer to make their lavish lifestyles possible.
Too much damned ungratefulness in this world. There is so much to be grateful for, there is so much more we can give back for, there is so much worth sacrificing for, and there are generations of kids in this world that we have COMPLETELY failed with our petulant bullshit.
It's not the lost souls that lived full and rich lives who squandered it in their later years that I feel for. It's the younger kids who were robbed of knowing the satisfaction of an honest days work. Talented musicians, writers, developers and other creatives who were robbed of their shot, audiences robbed of experiencing their magic.
So much burned at the alter for these self serving petulant fuck heads. And their misery and their subversions have poisoned this world to its very core. We have lost GENERATIONS to this stupid fucking madness.
Dev went pretty well last night. Little breathlessness set in, so might just take it easy today. I'm doing some fasting and will not be working out so hard, so back to being a worthless little bitch in the meantime.
Good news is we keep getting sidetracked building up pipelines here and systems there, but soon, SOON! We will open SeaCrit and we will FINALLY wire everything up and all this hard work will finally compound and the potential here will finally shine through.
I know the sort of drivel where I build myself up and talk about how wonderful this project is is cringe, and self serving as well. BUT I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IT'S HARD ENOUGH MAKING A DAMNED GAME IMMA BUILD MYSELF UP GAHDAMN IT. I HAVE THE GAH DAMN MICROPHONE AROUND HERE AND I WILL SAY WHAT I WANT TO SAY.
More and more, I see SeaCrit not just as a silly indie project. It embodies standing up for Truth, Justice, and the American way. We don't bow to fucking tyrants, we don't bend to self serving fucking communists. We bust our ass, we improve, and we fight with the quality of our product for a better world in a free market.
It hasn't been easy, the markets are manipulated, the work forces are gatekept by the most vile and hateful legions.
The world will beat you down and keep you there if you let it.
So many years gone, so much sacrificed, but the resolve still burns. We have to keep pushing for as long as we are able. What other option do we have?
We've gone too far, there's no turning back, through sickness and in health we will continue to burn the candle at both ends working in SeaCrit.
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Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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