Roll the Bones
I couldn't think of the right song for this blog. Wasn't sure i'd do one. The election took place last night, one side won, the other lost. The pendulum swung, it'll swing again.
We do this funny thing, we'll look in hindsight and we'll say, "That was a good! Or what were they thinking!" We get so damned judgmental after the events transpire, as if the chaos around us is clear, and we are in charge of our destinies.
We do not put NEARLY enough thought into the volume of chance surrounding us, dictating our futures. What's the right place? Where is the right time? What are opportunities and what are dead ends?
Who knows?
Those who purport absolute truths spout lies. Those who cast doubt stutter and fall. We are destined to chaos.
Sometimes the worst bits of luck toughen us up and make us stronger. Makes us grateful for what we've got, builds up our character. That's what life is. Bad luck, good luck.
Given the chance, we'd all want everything given to us easy. We'd want everything done our way. We want to be Kings and Queens deciding what's best for everyone else.
If we take a step back, we look back on the past generations, the pocket luxuries. The coddling. The back scratching and delusion. These blinking lights and upvotes and karma are more real to us than the ground beneath our feat. We're closer to influencers than we are our brothers and sisters.
Has it made us happier? Has it given us comfort and gratefulness?
We think we want to be on some beach drinking mimosas. We want to think we'd be happier if there was no strife, no chores, no responsibility, no one depending on us. No future depending on us.
It's a novel thought to think the best play is to serve only ourselves and then curl up into a hole and fade away. Nothing matters, there's no purpose.
But who knows? Maybe if there is no purpose, our purpose is to create purpose. To create aspirations and hope for things worth suffering for, so this little blink of existence doesn't feel so hollow.
Wish I had the creative energy to do this blog justice. I don't feel as though I'm in top form right now, but I gotta save something for actually working on the project.
I'm so conflicted of late. We've made this world hell on Earth demonizing one another, we've undercut one another trying to get revenge over and over and over again for the sins of who only knows who at this point. There's some dark forces out there playing their games and it feels like all us little people have gotten swept up fighting this culture war while the guilty hide on the sidelines. Feels like we've all been atoning for others' sins.
I feel as though I'm getting off topic and not communicating this very well. I should probably go over this and make it more coherent and try to string this logic together better. Our current situation is so complex, and it's murky, eveyrthing is hidden. Why is it hidden? Why must our world be kept SeaCrit from us?
It REALLY makes ya wonder dontcha think?
For most lying and schmoozing is as second nature as breathing. Us meek folks are a bit of an oddity these days. And who knows to what extent our own biases blind us? We are all blind to our own delusions and self affirmations, and the more you let them confuse you the further you fall behind?
What value has truth any more? Has it ever had value? It's a compounding debt that tears everything apart.
The tide rushes in and washes the castles away, and you'll wonder why you bothered to build anything at all. Crooked smiles are all we want reflected back at us. We want that rush of raw emotion, we want to be surrounded by laughs, and jocks, and jeers.
Purpose, dedication, hard work, principle are such a downer. There's no profit in this, no excitement. The only nourishment any more is to feed off one another in a petulant circle jerk as we partake in a feeding frenzy of smarm. And we all turn our backs and with one hand we scratch and with the other hand we raise the knife. And we bend over backwards and form this vile centipede.
Ok, I'm kinds loopy and need sleep. I told myself we weren't going to go so hard this blog, but whatever.
I dunno. I don't know what the point is. I know that I can speak for me and I know what I think will make things better and I know what I THINK is best for others. But who knows?
We're all born into this world. We didn't vote on it. We hope the culture of the day shapes our dispositions and demeaner. We want a bright future, we want to feel valued, we want purpose, we want our friends and family and children to have the same. But somehow that all got twisted and mucked up and now it seems like everyone thinks that in order to have those things you gotta take it away from everyone else for some reason.
I hope we can all take a deep breath, I hope we can internalize again that tough situations build character. Sometimes life doesn't go how we want it to. Oh well, suck it up, push through, and maybe tomorrow will be better. And believe it or not, that suffering you're going through now is going to make some day in the future that much brighter.
Lot of people thinking the future will go this way or that way, but anything can happen. We might be right, we might be wrong. All we can do is try to make the most out of our given situations. The best bet usually tends to be follow the damned golden rule, mind your own business, and pull yourself up by the bootstraps and stop blaming everyone else for your problems.
The happiest people in life are the ones who overcame the greatest hardships. And who said life was about being happy anyway?
Are you sad?
Great, join the club!
Now grow the fuck up, get up off your ass and let's try to fix it.
Maybe there is no fixing us. Maybe we're inherently broken. Maybe we're meant to be miserable and afraid. It's never enough. We will never fill the void. The struggle is all we have. The pursuit of happiness.
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Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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