Maybe We Are F*cking Special
So increasingly I'm starting to wonder if we are a bit more of a unique snowflake after all.
I always assumed we would see more people standing up to the chaos, more people taking a stand and pushing against the machine for the good of the industry now that it's become obvious for all to see that we need to fight back into the light.
But no... most people are still laying low. Most are trying to do damage control. And it's this really bizarre feeling that the world has gone to hell, and I think most people are just ashamed and defeated. A mix of not wanting to expose ourselves as we're still hot wired to attack anyone with vile accusations and assertions. We're still stuck in this room with a mad beast thrashing about and who wants to be the person making sudden movements?
And I'm over here like...
The fuck do I have to lose?
We've got our own accusation mother fuckers. And ours sting a lot more, because ours are fucking true.
Here's another sad SeaCrit for you: most everyone is shitty in some way. So when you have one tribe, and they band together to call ALL their enemies shitty people, THEY'RE NOT WRONG! That's what makes them such a powerful force. Yes if EVERYONE thought like you everyone would get along. YES! Everyone outside your sphere are assholes. GUESS WHAT!? If everyone thought like them, everyone would get along too! And everyone outside THEIR sphere are fucking dick heads! We're ALL THE SAME YOU DIP SHITS!
We're all shitty in our unique ways. If we're not a dick, we're a bitch. If we're not assertive, we're complicit. We all have our delusions, our biases, our shitty opinions and we all act like fucktards online and behind people's backs to lift ourselves. No one seems to be doing shit to make anything better these days.
Where the fuck was I going with this blog again?
Oh right, we are kinda special. Like how many people are working on an indie game that's actually pretty good!? How many people are both competent artists and pretty good at code? While I may not be the BEST coder in terms of syntax, I think we actually have a pretty fucking good knack for making fun gameplay systems and complex logical structures that interface with game engines in a myriad of ways. As a game developer, we're actually pretty fucking good.
I think very soon SeaCrit will be quite good and reach a decent chunk of its potential. And that gives us a bigger head of late, and with that bigger head it enables us to go online and talk shit and engage with bigger and more insufferable neckbeards with greater ferocity.
And here's another thing. I do enjoy the engagement of online shit talking. Like just hopping on X and having an inane opinion. It's like, "Let's go mother fuckers, Who doesn't think Master Chief looks like a bitch in the most recent update?"
I'd actually gotten so sick of arguing over the last few years that I largely got off social media, it just never ammounted to anything and just brought the absolute worst in us. I used to engage in this shit ALL THE TIME and got pretty good at shit talking random strangers on the internet, forming arguments, expressing ourself. Come to think of it, this blog may owe a bit of its existance to me rambling thoughts in random corners of the internet.
Maybe I'm crazy (we are ABSOLUTELY crazy), but I think we're pretty fucking good at shitposting. We can blather with the fucking best of the dweebs.
We're among the kings of the neckbeards m&ther fuckers.
And this is going to sound neckbeard as hell (it is neckbeard as hell). But here's where our strength comes from: We're always right. Morally, technically, whatever. We form our opinions based on strong foundations and don't form our world view lightly, or our pipelines for development be it art, code, or politics.
It's easier to win an argument when you are defending the position of what is true. NOT what you feel is true, not what you were led to believe because it enriched others, or because it made you feel warm and fuzzy in the pit of your stomach. Because other mother fuckers will always have to stoop to lies, or gaslighting, the usual character attacks and this or that.
We've worked in this industry. We've been a paid environment artist, we've done effects work, we've done level building, we've hired artists and coders, we've managed a team, we've won competitions and been paid to write articles, even got bonuses for having writing that was above and beyond! We've done shaders, animations, rigging. We run the fuckign gamut, and we're pretty damned good! Not even a jack of all trades, but a master of quite a lot of shit, and actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD where it counts.
Lol, I usually play such a fool here and elsewhere, who want's to be seen as a dick head show off? But after all these years of acting the fool, let's just tout our accomplishments a bit.
Are we delusional? Maybe. I dunno. We would have never made this post years ago, but frankly, we're too old for this shit at this point. Seen too much damage done from the other know it alls, the fakes and the jokers. As the days fly by and the world goes to shit, we're less willing to just sit by and watch as the other dip shits fuck everything up. We have increasingly less to lose anyhow. You really stop giving a shit about silly nicities as you get older. Someone's gotta just get shit done that needs doing.
We're also a stubborn son of a bitch, and if I might be so bold, "humble". I don't say that ironically. I don't talk big games about shit I don't understand, I lay low and never tout experience or try to lord my abilities or "stature" over other people. But other people often take conversations in that direction and it's like, "hey m*ther fucker, I actually DO fuckign know what i'm talking about and good lord there are a bunch of know it all dumb fucks on twitter, it's like an endless fucking horde."
So many people in this world have gone absolutely fucking mad and think they're experts, think they can cut you down and shame you with the usual pedestrian bullshit, while being simultaneously so incredibly soft.
I feel like I have the infinity gauntlet on twitter just fucing snapping these dumb fucks out of existance with the slightest bit of knowledge about a variety of subjects regarding gaming. I don't even go out of my way to talk shit, but everyone is so high strung that they just come at you and it's like HOLY SHIT, what the fuck did I say to piss you off?
Anyway, I know this post sounds toxic and fucking trollish as hell. IT IS! Maybe we are a troll. Maybe that's just our identity.
I'm kind of a total fucking dick online these days, and I honestly feel dirty making this post, it's sorta satisfying to tear people apart, but I'm not a total monster, I don't fully enjoy it, sometimes I feel like I go too far and I know how shitty it feels to go online, have a bad day and have some random mother fucker rub salt in your wound.
But I'm not one to suffer fools either.
I'm starting to wonder. Is this our gift? Are we just a born fucking troll that was designed to go online and fucking confront all these other filthy fucking neckbeards and beat some fucking sense into them on the online battlegrounds?
Like holy fuck, I've come to realize my mutant power is to legit be the king of the neckbeards. To talk about stupid shit that doesn't matter and pummel these deranged, self absorbed dumb fucks into puss.
I will fully acknowledge, THIS IS REALLY DUMB and it does ABSOLLUTELY NOTHING for us or the chances of success for our project.
If I could go back in time and hold my tongue, not talk so much shit online and say crazy angry rambles, I would 100% do that. But we've said so much shit at this point over all these years on every subject imaginable it would be impossible to clear our history of our horrible seacrit nature, so there ain't no going back XD
We're stuck on this throne as the king of the neck beards! BY DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT.
I dunno. I'm really torn. Do we hop on twitter and engage with others, we get hot headed really easily, we're a tad "Sensitive" which isn't a great personality trait 99% of the time, but it REALLY helps when you're trying to make video games! You gotta be passionate, you gotta have the fire in your belly so even when you're tweaking 0's and 1's, fixing up some boring old prefabs, you're excited, you're digging deep and taking seriously these mundane exercises. You gotta be a bit of a dork to make games. That's the hard truth.
Never said I was perfect. Never said we were better than anyone. But I think we know our purpose, and that's to hunt down other neckbeards and destroy them. We're Blade, half neckbeard fanboy, and half game developer. All of their strengths... well the sum total of all their weaknesses too but you get the point!
The question becomes. That little light of mine, are we gonna let it shine?
Are we going to continue to act like some abject fuckwit who has to win each and every rising insufferable argument with other insufferable neckbeards and put at risk all future success just to own the other chuds in the wilds of the internets?
Do we want to be the next Phil Fish?
Shit look what they did to Notch... and that dude is cool as fuck!
We are FUCKED. If the game fades into obscurity, which is the most likely outcome, we are obviously screwed. But if this game becomes successful at all, WE WILL BE THROWN TO THE FUCKING WOLVES.
This industry SUCKS when it comes to its fanbase. Shit most the employees in this industry would liek to run us through with the "toxic" (but truthful) shit we say. And every year it gets worse. It's actually kind of scary how fucking petulant and angry we have all gotten. I can't even put the blame on others, it's affected me too! (pretend to be shocked) We've really pulled one another down over the past few years, it's been a terrible downward spiral for us all.
I'm not trying to make a joke out of this, I'm honestly conflicted.
I feel as though people have gotten SO petty, SO immature, SO unreasonable, that the best play is tough love for our own sake. We're surrounded by adult children who haven't been put in their place for too long. Lazy, entitled, petulant, snarky, emotional. And I don't talk about my personal life much, but lets just say I know how to discipline a snot nosed kid, and this gives me super powers when dealing with the mouth breathers on Twitter.
So yeah, I feel not JUST that we need to make a good game, not ONLY do we have to market and create level headed blogs that will frame this project in a quality light.
Oh! And it should go without saying, but this is NOT our new more professional blog formant that we plan on duplicating on Twitter to garner actual views on the game haha! This is like a last hurrah fuck it type blog post where we're just lettin' it all hang out one last time! Professional mode engaging soon.
So yeah, what the fuck are we even doing with our lives XD?
Fun blog though!
Feeling pretty recharged, we NEEDED this break. Good chance we're back at it tomorrow!
I long to be free
So I wait for a sign
I wait for a star
To fall from the sky
From the dust of sleep
A promise to keep
Then all who see shall believe
Deliver into my hand
The sword of the land
Let my journey begin
So all shall understand
That if I fall
I will live again
I give no explanation
I was branded by the will
To bring of Death and Destruction
To all that I will kill
Bravery calls my name
In the sound of the wind in the night
My sword will drink blood
And I will fight
Yes I will fight
In the dawn of TWITTER
Let's just casually ignore the total DUMB FUCK we made of ourselves on the Unity forums recently XD
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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