So before I smear this excrement of a blurb on the wall, I want to say where the motivation came for such a blather. I ate too many sugar free chocolates and it eradicated my guts. And as I threw up out the wrong end, stomach doing backflips, I thought to myself. What the fuck are we going to do with ourselves since we're worthless at the moment?
And the thought occurred to me: "We could make a horrendously offensive blog entry."
So fuck it, let's fooking go. YOLO!
We're just gonna let it all hang out with this one. Life's too short to sweat the stupid bullshit, and if the past decade taught us anything, it's that being insufferable namby-pamby, worry wart, back scratching smarm fuck doesn't make the world a better place by any metric! So let's have a little fun while we're spinning on this rock.
One thing I can tell you being an older fart, is you're more likely to regret the things you DIDN'T do than the things you DID. Learn to fail with a little grace, learn to turn the tides after a loss. You might regret doing dumb stuff here and there, but you LEARN from that. Ya gotta learn to laugh at yourself! If you don't put yourself out there and give it a try, you'll always wonder, "What if?"
Shoot your shot!
For so long we've stewed in this cave and we've grown to resent the elbow brushing, the schmoozing, the networking and the games that ushered in this era of weakness and dumbassery. And for a very long time we've kinda taken pride in just stewing in this cave doing our thing.
But what if times have changed? What if there are new opportunities to reach out and connect with others in an exciting new landscape where weak, docile, whiney fucktards ISN'T the flavor of the month? What if we are entering a new world where being an insufferable neckbeard know-it-all who wants to do cool shit is the new en vogue fuckin' hotness?
I've had the weirdest engagements on twitter lately. I've been interacting on some big topics with some real movers and shakers on the forefront of gaming and I've been getting some pretty huge engagements. I don't entirely mean to brag, in fact, the fact that our dumb ass with our under the radar project gets an traction at all gives a bit of an empty feeling.
Where the fuck have all the adults in the room gone to? I honestly just lectured the figurehead of Godot on Twitter and he closed his twitter account like a bitch.
Why am I the only one posting? Why is this scene so dead? Does no one have anything to say?
I feel like I'm in some kind of weird twilight zone episode, a lucid dream we're ready to wake from.
Certainly we're not the voice of reason here... are we? Why the fuck is our message getting engagement? Why the shit aren't more people posting!? This is important stuff! More people need to have an opinion on this!
It's terrifying to realize no one is at the wheel. But also exciting, what a wild ride!
One thing we've lost in recent years is the perspective of how rare "the right stuff" is. Kids these days think it just falls from algorythms and view counts, that you can summon it by sitting in a circle singing Kumbaya. They didn't grow up playing doom demos on floppy disk. They've played a wave of clones by massive studios all using the same tired engines and pipelines and think it's entirely normal to repackage others' genius.
Games don't need to innovate, the same tired formula's are just how things are. Everything is just a clone of the past.
That's missing the entire point of the damend medium. We had this misconception growing up. That it was the tech restricting the fun of games and every new generation of hardware would bring greater experiences!
We were wrong, it was the developers growing generation after generation and learning to make better and better games that just happened to align with better graphics and expanding color pallets. Then one day these developers started to get phased out and replaced with more complaint devs, happier, chipper, and less abrasive workforces that were more prone to being exploited in a multitude of ways by the neckbeards at the top who couldn't in normal circumstances find means to coax others to conversations or to have power over them.
Part of me feels silly tweeting at CEO's and employees at big game companies with some heavy shit. Like, "Who the fuck am I? lol, why is my dumb ass starting shit with these people? XD.
No one else is... someone has to hold the feet to the fire. Ours sure as shit have been.
But I just don't see much engagement. And what engagement is there just doesn't seem all that interesting.
I generally try to be coy around here, try to play the fool, not talk up the project or create any high expectations. We're indie devs, we gotta act all lowly and happy to just get engagement or whatever and put happy faces all over the place and grovel at people right? Well fuck that, lately we've been crushing it on twitter and I figure, screw it let's post some of that action here because we've decided we're not going to pussy foot around any more. There are enough people pussy footing in this world.
You can't see their tweets any more, but Juan of Godot was talking about how you don't want to be political or some shit, and at first I was giving him respect, but then he went two faced and started coddling the usual tribalists and inferring everyone else was evil demons and treating them like shit which is how this always goes down in this industry and you end up with a throng of weak losers scratching each others' backs as gaming implodes under the weight of false virtue.
And here's the thing, I'm sure lots of people want to say shit, but they can't because they work in this industry and they can lose their job and their dignity. But check it out, WE HAVE NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS. Being a nobody degenerate is like a SUPERPOWER in gamedev on twitter these days!
When I started this project many years ago, it never even crossed my mind that we might be writing insane blogs, posting on twitter and having literally anything to provide to society other than some weird murder fish simulator that people might play for a few minutes and toss in the trash. My ambitions were simply to waste some people's time. And now year on year I see the purpose of this world diminish while our resolve seems to grow in inverse proportion.
And it's like "Holy shit, why is no one else standing up and leading the charge?" Why is everyone so frozen and incapable of saying anything of importance in this incredibly exciting and interesting field? It's not even these bizzare spastic and toxic rambles, like where are even the interesting discussions of new mechanics or designs or teams working on new shit? It's supreme decay not just technologically, but SPIRITUALLY.
The proof is in the pudding.
When did this industry become so wholly and completely devoid of any fucking meaning or interest whatsoever? When did we become so fucking lame? Thousands of able bodied do-nothings coordinating in multi million dollar cubicles aligned together, marching their boots in lockstep to...
So let's run our mouths and see what happens.
Life is short. This industry is dead. Our spirit is broken. The boat needs rockin'.
I do find myself getting in the occasional argument with random people with very predictable world views and it's so fucking tiring and predictable. Good lord i'm going to sound so pretentious, but I am a fucking pretentious know it all so let's proceed.
I'm so tired of having the same tired conversation about boring, pedestrian world views that haven't evolved in 10 fucking years.
I feel as though everyone else has been in this moral time capsule where they have decayed and withered, feeding on the same, stale bread as their muscles and brain atrophee and they have grown incapable of maturing as sentient fucking creatures.
An entire generation has gone off to higher education and had their brains scrambled and their balls cut off. And this generation is full of doormat automatons who are more likely to be offended by shit than posses any drive to create a future of value. We are in a terrible risk of permanent regression.
I legit feel like some kind of god damned super human being that's faster and stronger on Twitter. I have legit been man handling mother fuckers. And to be fair, I know it looks like I mostly just talk to a rubber wall here in this blog because I try to keep my online trolling outside of this blog because this is such a wonderful sanctuary of straight and narrow conversation /s XD. But if it isn't obvious by how I conduct myself here and my penchant for going against the grain and talking shit.
It should go without saying that we have been honing ourselves in the wilds of online discourse talking made shit over the past 10 years. I know it looks like we run our mouth off here on this blog quite a bit, but holy shit, we really cut our teeth in the wilds of reddit and other unsavory discussion boards in the wilds of the 2020's. We have grown agile and strong in the uncouth blood sport of the internets.
So while you've got the vast majority devs incubating in these echo chambers of weakness, learning to shut the hell up, to bow their heads to a bunch of weak namby-pamby fucking losers. We've been out here in the fucking jungle learning to hunt and fish and procure digital goodness on our own developing our own game. Learning to code, holding ourselves to standards, learning to create pipelines and adhere to long stretches of grueling labor.
And everyone else is sitting around eating cup cakes and drinking soda pops blowing smoke up each others asses, hold one anothers' flaccid d@cks in hand and playing paddy cake, expressing how wonderful this all is.
Have I gone fucking crazy? Or has the entirety of this industry gone soft as shit? Has the herd run thin?
I feel reservations posting. Do I actually have important things to say? Important issues to raise? Or am I just like a super average idiot unleashed on a world full of people so hamstrung and made so fearful and dumb that they've gone feeble and retarded so my posts are having an actual impact?
**And let me be clear, simply not being so namby pamby doesn't make you suddenly ready to make a great game. Quite the contrary, you can foster an entirely different flavor of destruction within your project as you move from that weak kumbaya circle jerk to the dudebro "heck yeah dude" who gives a shit, back scratching mentality. There are tribes on both sides with their own distractions from doing their damned jobs.
And what about us? Entirely possiblke we're just dumb fucks with delusions of grandeur, gearing out to put outa hugely embarrassing turd. Who knows! Everyone thinks their own project is going to be the next big thing! That's just part of the charm of gamedev, total and utter uncertainty until the very moment your game is printing millions of dollars a day XD!
We're gonna say some offensive shit. I'm from a different time, I'm from a time when you could call things out for what they are and have an honest conversation.
I saw a media interview today with a lot of college students and I couldn't believe it. They were so weak and average and fragile. What the fuck happened? We used to send the best of the best and if you were going to interivew people you'd want the best of the best of the best on camera. These students are our future and I am actually frightened for this nation.
WTF are these kids going to do? What purpose are they going to serve?
Professional crybaby?
I still can't get over how dumb the world has gotten. It boggles my mind that in this world of billions of people, with all these schools with all these game companies. We have almost no systems to find people with the various skills in congruent with one another that it facilitates good products and a healthy society.
We don't know WHY society has been hamstrung, but we can see that it has happened. Was it so simple as identity politics? Was it just a throng of professors wanting to get their dicks wet? Maybe a bunch of affluent assholes wanting all their incompetent lazy children to have important jobs in important positions.
When do we wake up from this weird dream? Surely the entirety of our society couldn't have been THAT susceptible to lobotomizing itself? Castrating itself? Turning its future generations into insufferable, do nothing vidiots. SURELY!
We're waking up from this bad dream at any moment!
Where have the Frank Zappas gone? The Bill Hicks? The Jimi Hendixes? The Jim Morrisons?
I'm sick and fucking tired of this soft parade chorus of namby pamby fucking losers. How the fuck are we going to make any good games if we're so fucking weak we can't even handle an online fucking conversation like grown ass adults?
News flash numb nuts: Grown ass adults can get down and dirty and have intense conversations about important shit. In fact it is paramount to the health of our society that we fucking do so. Find your fucking balls, your fucking ovaries, learn to stop being so god damned fucking offended about everything, and let's have a conversation about fixing this world that your weak ass has created you candy ass bitches.
In the absence of any gamedev juice. I figured we'd sperg out extra hard on a blog post today. Maybe it goes viral, maybe it gets us banned from all of polite society.
Who the fuck knows any more?
Reality is a funny thing. It's as if we forgot we can be more, we can be strong, we can be capable. We don't have to sit here and let the weak, piss and spit on us. We didn't use to take that shit. And we lived amongst one another in a better world, a world of aspirations and hope, and faith in our fellow man.
We can do better. We have to do better.
I was actually writing up a much more somber and serious blog post, but wanted to take my time with it, and saw this one from a couple weeks back and thought, Why the fuck didn't we upload this one yet? It's a little crazy, and stupid, and offensive. WHICH IS HOW WE ROLL AROUND HERE!
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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