The Dog Days are Over
I'm so scatterbrained right now I don't even know where to start. What a f*cking rollercoaster life is these days!
Unity has seemingly really turned it around. You wouldn't know it from my blogs, but I'm a bit of a hopeless optimist, I'm always trying to find hints and signs that maybe things will be getting better, always trying to find a reason to think maybe we're not doomed. Maybe that's why we've stuck with the project so long. And let me be fair here, I fully accept my role as a cantankerous, angry douchnozzle at times, our name is IllTemperedTuna after all...
Where the hell are we going with these blathers? I suppose this one time as per the title it's ok this blog just meanders and goes all over the place!
Unite was awesome, it was BEYOND AWESOME I was hoping maybe it would give us a peak that maybe in the next few months or years MAYBE Unity could get their shit together, and that MAYBE in 5 years we won't regret working in their engine.
But holy smokes, we got to see that these guys have been hard at work for what seems like a year now, it's like the MOMENT leadship shifted these guys got up off their asses and got back on track rarrin' to fucking go and fix all this shit. And there wasn't a hint of WHAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED. You can read into that whatever you like.
In a weird way, I'm kind of deflated right now. We've been fighting for so long against what seemed like this giant evil machine. And every day I pulled myself outta bed, tired and frustrated and I channeled all that anger into getting work done on the project. In many ways we were fighting for survival, we were putting ourselves on the line and fighting tooth and nail to try to save this damned industry from this madness.
And now it's like I wake up, and I hear birds chirping, and I don't hear artillery shells whirring in the air, and it's like... holy shit. Are we safe? Is this war finally coming to and end?
This might all sound crazy, but I kinda just feel shell shocked right now. I haven't been able to work the past day or two because it's been so surreal taking this all in. The character assaults and radical subterfuge seems to be turning into common knowledge. We were in the thick of this, living and breathing in these noxious fumes 8 years ago on a daily basis and finally FINALLY, people are waking up to the horrific stratagems made by dilatant moralists could huff these farts as this wonderous pastime burned.
Deep breath. I'm not even angry any more.
More than anything, I need to find that long dead and gone developer that was bright eyed and bushy tailed and optimistic for the future again. I know that m*ther fucker can work his ass of and do good dev too, he's just been dead and gone so long it might take a bit to coax him back out.
This sounds so crazy XD. It is crazy. I don't know anymore. But we repeat ourselves...
Whew, I'm ok taking a moment. I'm actually feeling really good today, health is up and down but I'm always so excited when I get some good days, and I feel doubly bad when I'm not pumping out work because who knows when we'll feel good again, but right now I'm allowing myself to be totally worthless and just enjoy lounging around the cave. It's been a hard fought several years, and we haven't really had any victories, even small ones, so this feeling of positivity is supremely unusual for me.
The Unity forums have been WILD. I won't go into too much details because who wants to hear about catty he said she said shit? But my opinion of the Unity peeps have shifted so radically and so quickly in the past few days I think I have whiplash. This doesn't appear to be the same company they were a bit ago. They want to make good tech and they want to succeed. And that's all I ever wanted to see out of a game company. I hope Godot and Unreal continue to see success and that all this healthy competition spurs on greater tech and a better and prosperous industry. And it's for these reasons I want to see Unity do well too.
The world is still angry, we're still divided, we're still kinda on edge with proverbial knives to one anothers throats, but for the first time in a while it doesn't feel like everyone is holding them enthusiastically. It's as if we all have this confused look on our faces, "why the hell are we doing this again?"
Anyway! MIGHT get to work today, I'm kinda feeling it, there's this bug in my mind that surfaced after I added some cave spawns and they have some pretty frail and custom collision geo and I have this wacky logic in SeaCrit that when the player dashes through enemies there's this crazy logic that shrinks all enemies collision volumes really small so that when the player emerges on the other side of them, when their collision kicks back in, they don't send one another flying like bullets in random directions as collsion gets caught in one another.
The edge case result of this is that if you're smashing an enemies dorsal against a flimsy cave wall with custom collision it's very likely that they might go through said wall and get stuck between some geo or who knows what wacky sorta things.
So I'm hoping if I reinforce the collision geo with some simple cube colliders that may solve this popping, and if that doesn't work... we may play with the minimim sizing of the geo when it shrinks down. I dunno.
It's one of those things where you have edge cases to edge cases and you start to think "Maybe the inherent compleixty and absurdity of this system warrents reevaluation of all these mechanics at its core." But i'll be damned if we start going in and fixing things that will break other things at this point in time, it's 99.99% solid at this point.
Worst case scenario I think we just make them cave walls a little less flimsy.
This reminds me, I find it crazy that there aren't blocky square rocks on the asset store for Unity. Like some nice well made simple geometric rocks with built in cube colliders to properly sew up the collision in a manner for more water tight than custom geometry colliders.
Anyway, I try not to get TOO technical or boring in these blogs. IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW!
Speaking of work, here's a random session from just a bit ago, things are going well!:
I honestly can't believe it. These dog days may FINALLY be over.
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
For 30 odd years I have lived with this curse
My vocabulary was stunted at birth
By a witchdoctor from over the seas
Casting a strange voodoo magic on me
Now when I speak, it's rather absurd
An endless tirade of four letter words
I lash out in anger at all in my way
Shocking, unspeakable things that I say
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
Fuck you!
Long I have waited to have my revenge
To bring that witchdoctor to his bitter end
So I have gathered a ship and a crew
We're sailing to find him, we know what to do
On a dark moonless night, when he least suspects
We'll creep up behind him, so hard to detect
We'll bring out our anchor by the light of the stars
And shove it inside of his big fucking arse
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker
We're gonna punch you right in the balls
Fuck you with a fucking anchor
You're all cunts, so fuck you all
(I mean come on, I couldn't NOT put this meme in, it's too perfect)
Optimistic for the first time in a very long time. And that makes all the difference in the world. Looking forward to passionate and OPTIMISTIC dev in the very near future!
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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