We Are Strong, Principled, and Compassionate Developers and We Will Sacrifice to Make Great Games Again
That's the big lie isn't it?
Some of us were fortunate enough to be born into a world that was inundated with these bullshit white lies. We had it beat into our heads that we were special. But not because being special snowflakes, the world owed us something. We were taught we could rise above, we could work hard and strive for more while raising all boats on our rising tide. We were taught to rise at the crack of dawn and fight to grab the world by its horns and wrestle that eternal demon sum'bitches for a better tomorrow. Prosperity was not a given, it had to be earned by churning yourself under the wheel. Perilous freedom and eternal vigilance was the cost.
We were fortunate enough to have adults in the room.
Imagine you're in a hospital. Some kid's about to get a needle stuck in their arm. The nurse is affirming them them not to worry they're not going to feel but a prick, and it will all be over before they know it. And in all their glory some jackass has to exclaim, "NO! She's full of it! That needle is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch!" Now the poor child is writhing and twisting and turning and that entire ordeal is going to be a lot more painful than it had to be for everyone involved. That poor woman's job of safekeeping that child is now a nightmare.
Is it necessary to fixate our shortcomings? To think ourselves so wise for harping on our base animalistic natures? Do we do the world any good by chastising and lording over others our "transcendental" nihilism? Are you really so wise and wonderous to expose the great lies that gave us a small bit of respite in this perilous journey?
We're billions of monkey infesting this chunk of dirt hurdling through the vacuum of space awaiting the heat death of the universe and for many the prime directive is to point to the nothing with our absolutely minuscule sum of knowledge. Maybe we should spend a bit more time exploring the notion that those who have found a sort of otherworldly comfort and purpose that transcends the nothing of this universe might be on to something.
Maybe in this tiny flash of existence we ruminate on the fact that since we have nothing at all to lose, we take a chance on living a life of purpose and humility seeking to build one another up instead of tearing one another down worshipping what is wonderous and beautiful, and not our lowest common denominators.
In this wretched void, in this nothing where it is customary to gaslight and steal, there is no concept of consequence. There is no duty to the future as we seek to immortalize fragile egos into the shattered mirror of AI. We fight the good fight against dated moralities, and we now catch vague forms of principle out of the corners of blood-shot eye.
We have created an inversion where those now at the bottom of the food chain shake the foundations and feed on those who crush against the pavement. We nourish ourselves on the sacrifices that once greased the wheels with our lifeblood so that the devices of man could lurch forward in these imperfect engines of society.
None may pull open the hood, none can reveal to the sycophants the terrible monsters that now gnaw at our feet. Carnage must splatter as the grinding wheels whir over lumpy piles. It's much ado about nothing.
That's where we're at with this cultural decay. Given the keys to the kingdom and couldn't wait to reveal that all the notions that we live in a fair and just world were white lies, and that nothing matters but our shaming's and the ring kissing's. There is only one truth that all must follow: our might makes right.
It's easy to take it all for granted, it's easy to shrug and fall into all the pampering's and back scratches when life comes easily off the backs of great care from greater generations. But in the eternal twisting fate, the churned body of goodness returns to the earth and seeds it. In reverting to our base natures in the absence of turmoil, we reawakened the need for sacrifice, and to struggle in the face of outrageous fortunes. They have reminded us at no credit to themselves the dangers of sloth, and hubris, and ungratefulness.
Of false idols.
The pendulum will always swing, the weak will create hard times and the principled will begrudgingly rise to save us from ourselves, until it is easy to prosper again, and the short sighted and self serving will band together using the bridges built by betters and they will feed their tendrils back into our hearts where they can leach our finite essences.
Back to feeling a bit bleh, maybe this carnivore diet isn't the magic bullet we were hoping, but let's spend a little bit of time discussing this silly fish game all the same.
I've decided I want to put out a demo sooner than later. This notion that the demo has to be perfect and well realized before we put out new playable builds isn't really helping us in my opinion.
Better to have a feasible goal in a week that you're excited about and can serve as a stepping stone to more progress than to have some lofty ambition that's going to take a month or maybe even a year.
SeaCrit AS IS, dare I say it, is pretty damn good! I don't give a darn that this world of gatekeeping and influence peddling seeks to undercut those who would rock the boat.
For many years I sat and stewed here wondering if I was crazy, pinching myself wondering if it was me along along who was the underhanded one who didn't fit into the better world that was emerging.
We have never been more confident in our mission, we have never been more convinced that it is the moralists and pretenders at large who are the dangerous ones.
There is more at stake here, than it is responsible to fathom. We have to take things one day at a time and try to increment our chances to safeguard ourselves from the coming decays. Sometimes I wish I were but a machine, that i could just flip myself on and have the project done in a day. But it's our humanity that must be preserved.
When you discover a great decay in a system, a great moral cancer that is festering and drawing out neutrients away from our hearts and our brains, you cannot simply remove it, you must treat it with great care, if you tear from it all that is faulty the heart will no longer beat, the brain will no longer fire its synapses.
We must be restored holistically, the machine requires caring for and rebuilt piece by piece. There isn't a healthy and functional world we can simply substitute for our own.
We need to build our character back up, we need to face these hardships head on without the life lines or helping hands stepping in from protecting us from hard earned wisdoms. We must end the coddling.
The easy money is gone, the telephone game of self affirmations has cut to dial tone.
Debating if I'm going to force myself to get some work done, this health rollercoaster ride still has its ups and downs.
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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