Just a quickie little blerb

Nothin' major tonight, want to save what creative energies we have for the ongoing grunt work of getting upgrades online.

Whew, we've really been paying the piper of late. Sit down, expect to check things off the todo list, and end up spending hours and hours fixing and tuning tertiary things. Sometimes we feel better afterwards, and sometimes it's more like, "Why did we go down that rabbit hole? Stop fixing things that are only slightly broken!"

Nothing will ever be perfect, we gotta be better about picking our battles.

Yesterday we set out to work on upgraddes just in alphabetical order, and it turns out the first upgrade "Aftershocks" is part of by far the most advanced upgrade system that allows the player to get other permanent, DAMN IT, I just realized i called them upgrades, they are BONUSES! I gotta get my lingo right, it's actually quite important when you're the one knee deep in code trying to remember the identifiers and naming conventions.

Anyway, we got the system up and running, added lots of other tertiary things like unique bonus sounds and colors for when you make progress towards getting the permanent bonus with this bonus. Nothing I'm saying right now makes any sense! So much wasted time!

Ok, the long and short of it is we made some progress, some good, some bad, and the fact some of it was good is all that matter!

Don't think we can take many more days where we don't make solid progress towards sewing up these bonuses, so hoping today goes well because we're burning the candle at both ends as of late, and by as of late, I mean we were burned out 6 damned years ago. Oh well! That's gamedev.

Installing a new unity version as I type this. Just killin' some time... every new beta release is both exciting and a little scary. Will it be more performant, will it finally fix the lag on press bug that has haunted the web build for touch controls? Or will it introduce some terrible new bug that somehow is impossible to fix and sets the project back somehow? Probably not, but it's just one of a billion things you gotta worry about when working on these highly fragile productions.

Edit: Welp Looks like I jinxed myself! Been spending over and our upgrading deleting library folder and no matter what I do i'm getting pink shaders of death, so going back to the prior version. Just killin time, hope we still have some energy to get some work done once this project finally opens in the working build.

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