Happy 4th!

I used to BBQ like a fiend back in the day. These days we stay in this cave and cook this code at crazy hours of the night.

I grew up on the West coast, where it was cool to hate. Cool to hate the silly, thick aspirations we put into this country. Cool to make fun of the country side of music. Cool to make fun of thing that are good and wholesome and to indulge in all the petty righteousness of nothings. Is it cool though?

The windy roads took us from LA, Portland, Austin and Houston. And on these journeys we met some amazing people that broadened our horizons and now that I'm a bit older, I've come to realize it's better to believe in something, to take pride in something. It might not be so obvious and things come to you easy, but as you get older, and those actions take root, you start to see the fruits our lives bear. 

Maybe I've matured or we're just old fudy dudys, but I kinda wish I could do it all over, have a bit more faith and pride. Living life with no purpose trying to be edgy isn't as fulfilling in the long run. 

If I had to choose to live between Oregon or Texas again, I'd choose Texas in a heartbeat, and it ain't just cuz of the rain.

It's sad that posting this stuff will get you tarred and feathered in this divided scene of haters, looking only to elevate their edgy predjudices.

You know... this country wasn't founded, didn't become great because we sat around and sung Kumbaya! 

I like to think we're maintaining the rich American tradition of doin' shit our own damn way. 'Round here we don't bow down to royalty high up on that ivory tower. We're down to earth, work our ass off, and don't play to none of that commie bullshit!


Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get to work making the Fish game GREAT. That's how we spend our holidays these days, and I'm totally fine with that. 



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