A Renege
God damn do I love this song. I'm not sure I can really say anything that isn't better expressed through song.
Just want to work, just want to make something cool. Stupid f*cking world out there though.
So yeah, I had it all up in my mind, "Oh the game is starting to maybe be ok soon, I BETTER GET DOWN ON MY KNEES AND GROVEL AND PLAY IT SAFE SO ALL THE F*CK STAINS MIGHT THROW ME SOME CRUMBS!" So i made that post the other day, NO MORE SAYING WEIRD SH*T!
F that noise. Not like anyone reads these drivels anyway! I had this thought, "I should make a video and try to make it consumable. One of those clean vids with nice music and a little title screen and all that bull. GOTTA PUT A BOW ON IT FOR THE MASSSES AND THE CLOSED MARKETS! I have no inclination to play the stupid games any more. After chasing the dream my hole life of trying to fit into this industry I'm really just disillusioned. It hasn't served anyone but a bunch of c*ntbags. If i'm not angry about it i'm depressed, so pick your poison.
It's weird, everyone knows everything's done for, but no one wants to do anything about it.
Isn't life weird? You put on TV, YouTube, go on whatever online store, you see whatever dog sh*t is on the front page, and every time you see the incompetence and the fakeness, and the nepotism, and the monopoly and the manufactured markets of all the dicklets on their knees playing the soft parades for the c*cksuckers at the top of the pyramid of decadent horse sh*t. Everything is sanitized. Everything is mundane. Everything is average. All the same clunky pieces of trite plastic. Good lord have we lost our purpose and drive. We're all just content to sit in one anothers' refuse so long as no one's offended.
It's actually revolting. It's f*cking pathetic and I'm done pretending like it's not. Can we start holding one another to some kind of standard so we can get out of this darned funk?
I don't want to say "why try?". I'm trying like a m*ther fucker. But why try to succeed in this stupid f*cking rat f*ck machine?
Is this all life is for? To do some little jig, jump on command for the f*ck heads that mandhandled and destroyed everything? I GENUINLY don't know what soceity does any more. I don't know what our purpose is. Crabs a damned bucket.
I saw this comedy sketch on youtube the other day:
Hot f*ck is this funny. This is my kinda shit right here. But no one gives a f*ck for art, no one elevates excellence or takes a chance. Thought provoking, distilled intellect the likes of this comedy just fades to the ether, a random video among billions.
We're living in this soft parade of safety, of decadence, of weakness, of lowest common denominator dick drivel where everyone's too afraid to do anything f*cking cool. You feel me? You know what I mean? Have we all just kind of collectively realized together than no one gives 2 sh*ts about anything bitchen any more?
F*ck this candy ass, weak society we've devolved into. Bunch of incestuous losers stroking each others flappy, flaccid little egos is what this industry has become. Let it burn.
This industry deserves itself. Cowards and backstabbers as far as the eye can see.
Don't try to do anything cool. Don't stand for anything. Don't express concern for the future. Don't rock the BOAT!
Maybe we're just getting a bit too comfortable in this cave.
What's it matter anyhow?
I've just decided I don't want this game to succeed on others' terms. I'd rather this all sunder to dust then give breath to the rancid machines.
So many people letting this world down these days. Cowardice, comfort, tribalism, medications, decadence, hubris. This is the bullshit dictating our future.
I don't want to be part of it.
I'll f*ck 'round this little cave and make little splashes in the nether. It's fine. I mean it sucks hot donkey splooge. But at least we're not one of the c*ck smokers that continue to ruin this f*cked world.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Doesn't anyone else see how stupid everything is? Is ANYONE going to suck it up and say "HEY YEAH WE FUCKED EVERYTHING! WE SHOULD STOP RUINING THIS WORLD SO THE FUTURE GENERATION DOESN"T SUNDER UNDER THE WEIGHT OF OUR DUMB F*CKERY"
Can't expect these sh*t stains to concede anything. Everything will be sundered in their crusade to beat the every loving sense into you that you're just a plebian pissant f*ck, and you need to bend over backwards to their authority.
So anyway! I was thinking of calling this blog "Twin stick shooter? NOPE!" And I was gonna link a polished recording of the game. But i'm just so far removed from wanting to engage with the whole plebian bullshit of making these little safe and corporate postings. But I am happy with how systems are coming online. Here's me playing the game really quick with keyboard controls. I don't play keyboard often and it's still pretty new so i mix up the keys and stuff but hopefully it gives an idea of how you can get twinstick type targetting with nothing but a WASD and 2 action buttons!
For all the beligerance and petulant anger of this post. I'm actually pretty proud of how the game is coming together. If i'd gotten more sleep last night i'd be pushing forward full steam ahead right now.
I did have an epiphany. No spinning wheels in mud. It's time to envision a tight little demo that showcases all the cool elements of the game all at once and singing together. And to figure out what's most fun now before we go off and create massive tapestries of content that we'll have to spend untold time removing.
So to that end i'm going to bring back dailies. 1 chunk, one bonus, one drop, one NPC per day. We do this for a week and the game will really be coming online. Then it's just a matter of adding a few items.
We're gettin' there!
You spend your whole life wondering how the world works, you look out into the void with wonder and bewilderment. Then you grow up and realize our society has become a wet fart in an elevator. This industry can go f*ck itself.
EDIT: This might be a silly post to say this in, but I went in and fixed a little bug that popped up in the above video. Smash combos weren't working quite right. I think I fixed it, had to do with the extended window for combo attacks. But while playtesting I just had a really good time using combos, using smash combos, using ranged attacks, executing snipes that hit multiple enemies, using all the nuanced charged movement mechanics.
Dare I say it, I think the game is finally fun. I think I can finally say I made the game I always wanted. Now it's just a matter of building out a few more areas, getting in a little progression and putting out the next demo.
It's kinda crazy. Everything is simultaneously so depressing and also exciting at the same time. Strange days.
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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