King of the Neckbeards
The war rages on. Neckbeards strike against the edge lords from a hidden base. There are annonymous d*p sh*ts on the internet that are wrong GOD D@MN IT!
There is no official proclomation to the throne, it's self proclaimed and highly contested. Such is the state of the online Kingdom, we all know our birthright! We know we're the rightful heir to the throan as king of the neckbeards! Good lord us game developers can be insufferable.
Game is kicking ass. I mean, I think it is, I know there are some really big blemishes that need sorting. But here's the cool part... They're very surface level, everything is easily tweaked and tuned at this point, the game APPEARS to be a half finished mess as I set up the last bits and pieces before level one is online. But the the foundational elements, THEY'RE ONLINE M*THER FUCKERS. I didn't take shortcuts and patch this game together like I could have. I've built systems to be modular and interesting and allow for growing complexities and depth, all that potential will be harnessed soon. All these years of everything being broken was to build a solid core, and now we knock on the door.
Any outside observer that were to play the game now would likely think it has a long way to go before being "playable", but I think we're not so far off... Gotta tune up some core attacks, tune some core things and then things start coming together.
We're fast approaching that state I've always dreamt of. That moment when we have an actual game. And i'm not burned out, and I have a thousand and one ideas to make the game better EVERYTHING can be made better, everything can be expanded on, and then the volume of potential play scenario expands exponentially with each and every addition. We may be on the road to something great.
I'm pumped. The game isn't half bad, we've got increasing gas in the tank to whoop some arse, and it's only going to get better and better.
We're going the damned distance... or maybe I'm just absolutely mad, who knows! Nothin' to do but keep soldiering onwards.
One day at a time.
Time to put up or shut up. Less blathers more doin'. Hoping to have a significant demo upgrade SOON. Seems like the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine AF.
Some quick secondary blathers on the ramifications of the randomized level system that was recently added. This has had such a tremendously positive affect on level design. I no longer feel as though I am spinning wheels in mud. Being able to create just a few chunks, and reuse them changes the whole game. I can work on a few tiny areas, improve them, and the game can duplicate them many times to fill out a larger game. Polish to art really goes a far way now, and the way each chunk inherits from a small # of prefabs means that all the art is easily improved through inheritance. Having well set up prefabs is sorta like having object oriented inheritance from C#.
I also inadvertently found that platforming elements can be really fun in this game if I just string lots of shallow areas close to one another so so much potential has been coming online. Hard to seize it being a single dev, but things seem to be going well!
Stealthy Edit: So some sh*t kinda went down on Twitter today. I generally try to keep my gamev sperate from incessant internet neckbeard trolling, but i've made it no seacrit that I engage with other neckbeards and talk random shit about a myriad of things to pass the time. The world's crazy, if you speak your mind pretty much anywhere, people are going to think you're a psychotic dumb f*ck. That's the nature of being alive in 2024.
Anyway, what I had always hoped would happen kinda did, something I posted started getting some views, not a ton, but way more than usual, and I always thought i'd be excited about a moment like this. "Maybe someone will try my game! Maybe this hell will be over!" But there's always this secondary looming fear, what if the game gets out there in the "wrong light". What if we're attacked for not being of the right mindset or whatever. I'm sure you can read between the lines here. If I could go back in time maybe i'd have handeled myself differently in online discourse, layed low, tried not to think too much about the world at large and tried to just quietly carve out a game here alone so that whatever powers that be could provide me a refuge where I could survive and sell my game if it ever materialized.
It feels so f*cking weird to even be typing this out, but the world has to straight up stupid. I've seen how petty this world is first hand, and though I do not look forward to any sort of bullsh*t, it would be dumb to not expect it should this game ever become good enough to turn heads.
I still don't think it's good enough just yet, but it might be soon. And this moment kind of hit me hard. I don't want this game to enter the scene due to some stupid f*ckign online discussion, because of some controversy. And yet I know this will be inevitable, because literally every single game these days faces these criticisms. You're eitehr the "right" person, on the right side that people will tolerate, or people will villiafy you and destroy you. Everything you say or do will be filtered, all your work reduced to a straw man and burned on its stake.
Bleh. I was so excited to get to work tomorrow too. Oh well, best thing I can do is try not to think about the culture war BS that has infected us all and could very well destroy everything i've been slaving to create over these years. It's been a long time coming that I sneak these sentiments somewhere. Do I regret being a dumbass online? I don't look forward to the inevitable pushback or gatekeeping that will happen because everyone's all so happy to raise up their pitchfork and fillet the other. But maybe i'm crazy for even thinking we have a snowball's chance of even gaining any success anyway.
So I guess what I realized, is I shouldn't be making posts or trying to be controversial. I don't want this game to blip on the radar because of some edgelord controversy, I want it to hopefully be popular because it's actually good. So I think in the near future i'm going to try to sh*tpost less and dev more.
I wanted to make a great game and carve out some small amount of success from that, I fear that instead i'll be tarred and feathered for being a human with my own perceptions and flame wars over the years over the same shit we SHOULD be having flame wars over as is healthy for society. If people aren't disagreeing with one another, you're on the road to hell. So anyway, not that I could, but I take back nothing. You're all c*nts and I said what needed to be said :D.
To dev tomorrow! Whooo boy there's so much to worry about in this world.
Final Edit, getting a little loopy and need sleep: What a weird time to be alive. Not sure what's real or not these days. Neural link? Is this all just some kind of joke? What's even real, what's a dream, what purpose do our lives have any more? Hurdling towards the singularity if it hasn't already already happened and fixated on making a murder fish simulator. If I don't finish it soon everyone's just going to be super advanced robots anyhow. Seems kind of pointless when you think about it all.
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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