Some scribbles
===player swims down into a cave after fighting some new types of enemies with swords and shields, stronger than prior enemies===
=Tells of Legion Fish=
Thinkin' of Tanglin' with the fallen legion!?
Baha, these corrupt manifestations are no Legion! Nightmares Knockoffs of our once mighty empire, born of the darkness's memory of this once mighty empire. A shadows of shadow.
Yer wanderin' a bit far from the shallows dontcha think little one? The deeper oceans are dark and dangerous, no place for one of yer stature!
Remember! The dark is more 'fraid of yer light than you of it! But be careful, their nothing of a blade'll still poke yer eye out!
Forged of stronger stuff than ye can find in any bottle. Cast in iced cold, bloodied mud. The legion were bred to shine against shadow in the darkest of places.
And all the ocean radiated as the shallows, bereft of shadow. And the dark became naught but a nightly fable.
And we became soft. And we became ungrateful. And those chilling bedside stories started to linger longer and longer past the Kraken of day.
You are a peculiar one. You radiat our light, yet you're shackled their dark....
I wonder, is it dark you consume, or is it the light? Do you consume or store? More colors to yer aura than I can even perceive-- troubling. How's a radiant relic meant to follow a story beinding into event horizon!?
Caustics confuse through dancing shades of hue. Can light's savior be one like you as strong dark brew?
I must confide you something shinebreaker. A palpitation murmurs within me, a nothingness is casts a shadow and for the first time in this existence, I see a shade. And yet there are other messages permeating these walls, they resonate into broader dimensions outward from these shallows. How far do our waves of voices flow in our most chance circumstance?
Bringer of the light, Harbinger of Shade, I grow tired of these naming games, Player!
There are those of this digital plane that know our existence is fractal nothing. That there are higher planes with complexities we dare not fathom, where you play your games in SeaCrit!
Along your journey you will find stories and powers never before seen! And yet nothing here is material, your deeds will switch to nothing as certain as your destiny to die another day. Agony's quieted, glory wiped, atrocities forgotten. Generational change in the blink of a switch. How casually you wield such power. The fate of existence in your hands...
Gods of light naught flicker!
These dark caverns safeguard a great gift, within this tomb are the worldly remains of the last LightKeeper, the great caretaker of this lake.
Once upon a time, our lake shimmered in radiance of one so fair. No match had she, but for igniting her firearm!
Locks of gold twisting and curled as sparks of thunder from barrel unfurled.
SeaCrit to dark, shades knew by only a single flash of pain.
Us denizens of light knew her as the Lady of the Lake!
But a Light so bright can't sustain, this deathly prison now remain.
The dark, no longer frightened, broods and blooms, sinister plans groom.
Can you keep a SeaCrit, lightbringer?
Take Ex-Caliber and glow! Take courage and grow that all may know!
This darkness blot. From stumbled ages, we cast this rot! Master using this and we will have the world, tidling! Scoff not it's blunted edge. True Radiance does not sputter and spark, it flows eternal, steady as the north star!
Fortune be not pilfered from bloodied corpse, it is earned! Farmed from toil and commitment! Cross not prosperity with yearnings for power over others, tyrant! Study, Learn! Underestimate not the might of discipline! Learn to reign in yer power before it does ya in! We do not seek your loyalty, we tempt you to join the light, for what is just, for what is true! A new day will down where free fish unite as one to cast aside these shackles, to see their terrifying silhouettes flickering on the cavern wall, and to rise as one from this mental prison!
The darkness in you attracts to power like moth to flame, shadow dancing cross the wall. A blot of envy in others' radiance. Cold advance t'ward warm flame be the nature of shade. The promise of power invites you, but your soul will be forever singed.
But where there is light, there will always be shadow. Unlike the flame, none can smother the dark, we can only endeavor to keep it alive, before it snuffs out forever. Perhaps this meager light can resonate through your eyes and up your cerebellum. Perhaps our SeaCrit can one day alight, catch to wildfire and brighten meaning and purpose to all greater dimensions! Will light and order engulf the cosmos? While the blot of chaotic shadow be forever blinded? Or will the dark consume all?
========Final Warning==========
Shh. Do you hear their howlings?
Do you feel their sharp steel screams pressing cold at the side of your neck? The dark broods in this tomb, spawnling. The dire force that kept our SeaCrit will now seek to snuff it.
Hasten, lightbringer, do not be tempted by the cry of the nothing!
The shadow grows too with the brightening of the light. To accomplish your quest you will have to deal with shadow. Know this, poor spawnling...
Offerings of power have interests of soul
The dark realizes that they are being sacrificed as an offering to keep the light burning. It's easy to look down on others when you do not suffer.
Have you ever wondered what fruits grew from the muddied soil of your fallen enemies. What terror would emerge from the rift you tore into these tormented souls to satiate your petulant lusts. While your purse grows fat we sickened. When off flipped the switch we stewed in nothings.
Our lifeblood no more than fuel to the fires lighting that damnable screen, those flickers never providing us a warmth, they sputter in unison howls of torment.
It's easy to judge when you are born to the light.
(foreboding but shows a glint of immaturity, almost childlike, no clear morality, both sides have their biases and wrongs and rights)
Someone has to feed the beast...
Your kind really is quite ravenous, you do know that, player. I wonder, do you ever tire of being heralded a hero as you feed upon our sullied corpse? Do you ever take a step back to the perspective of seeing yourself for what you truly are?
The light cannot see it's shadow.
You have both gifts, light eater. You bask in the sun, but you can also see the light from eyes of shadow. See the judgements emanating burning glare.
We did not spark the flash that cast the first shadow. We did not cast this judgement, deserve this shame. It is not we who inflict the endless pain.
The darkthirsty demons cast their lances of light. There is nothing is new under the sun! perchance your grace. With you hear at long last, we are beside ourselves, the one that sees beyond the Glare.
Consume! Burn! Radiate!
Shackled to flames we sunder to ash in recesses of radiance. They wax poetic knowing we wane! The nerve to preach of good and evil! ALOFT AN IVORY TOWER THAT KNOWS NO SHADE!
We were not always so different. For a brief moment we bathed in light-- for a time. Until your bloodthirst beset us... Many forms your kind takes, many incarnations do we. Through all time and space reincarnate anew, beholding a new fantastical frontier, awaiting your big bang. Awaiting the pain. Our lives are short, violent and doomed to dark from the start. Our existence a never-ending torment. We have fought for generations against your bloodthirst, to no avail. It has taken an eternity, but we have finally accepted the reality. There is no fighting you player, there is no respit from your advances. We will inevitably perish, and you will drink in our pain, and no matter our struggle to defeat you, it will only serve to feed you more blood. This is our existance, this is our purpose, to bleed you our suffering, to satiate you while others bathe in the light.
Always colored with shade of evil are we. Paint by numbers in a landscape of good and evil. White and black. No salvation of grey, no sanctuary.
Nothing but dark do we know, and in a moment LIFE! PAIN! Struck down again and again and again in endless arenas!
For longer than we can remember, we despised you, we feared you, we wove dark warnings of your exploits in whispers in the night. But in time we have accepted a deeper understanding.
You were an anomaly, player, we did not understand. Your bloodlust as foreign as dimension and time to we fractals of reality. We are nothings to you, we cannot court not your paltry pitty, no more than we can strike you and obtain our revenge.
Some day you will tire of us and we will return to the eternal respite of dark. It is the patter of pagans of light dancing our graves that now stirs anger never-ending. Their self serving please to stay and never go! To shine your light forever as it burns our very soul!
What petty joy they take in their momentary existences while dark suffers eternities in the blink of an eye. They cheer and praise with every petulant swings of your sword. Cheer with glee for the anguish of dark.
Perhaps you've grown wary of their prothelisizing, of their demands you keep our lights on, to take your time and enjoy this misery as you grow fat of our lifeblood. Or perhaps you care not for feeble training wheels. Leave it to the Light to equip such an ill fated child with a faulty toy and send them to fight their wars.
That contraption you've been gifted is marked for death, frail one.
Power is seized! If all are strong, none are! The light leverages their strength against us, seeks only those who share their darkthirst, the cruel liars! They were born with the strength of light, as our shadows singe into this wall. Our die was caste before our birth.
A true ally will tell you the truth, not coerce you with lies.
You will never reach any potential without mastery of dark, you truth-starved fool.
There is nothing earned without suffering. Nothing taken without a fight. No struggle without the shade of dark against the light.
==========The end of the lady of the lake=============
The stars above see not the shadows cowering their radiance. Such alienation is wonderous soil for growing contemptions. One such star outshone all others... the lady of this lake. They do not tell tales of what becomes of their wonderful incarnations of light. That which is seen is only half the story. The dirtied truth is only found in the deep and the dark.
The lady of the lake, "More dangerous than shark!" The bully! The wench! THE EVIL CHARLOT SMOTHERED IN DARK!
You think us playthings. As sure as you read these words from cold lips. Nothing is what it seems, player. We have all the power in the world...
We have your ear. Just as the light poisoned your faculties, we will remedy them. It's not the cold dagger from shadow the light fears, it's the dark truth.
Never would accept the notion that their wonderful Lady of lake was taken by our whispers. That their glorious hero would give to us their crusade of light. While the light demanded bloodlust, we pleaded for compassion.
Listen carefully , Mercenary of light. We see in you greatness, goodness, much like the lady of the lake. Others hear only our screams, broken and sullied by torment. Perhaps you will bring a new dimension to this stunted existence. Perhaps you will find the depths of empathy in this plane of sadness.
Under the light we are shackled. But out of the dark emerged our salvation, a righteous vengeance. During our union, during the great eclipse, the Mass O' Moon fell from the sky! And wieling it for a brief moment the light entinwed the light, and she was able to finally conquer this world, and like a switch, our pain was ended.
The lady of the lake seized this, we ended the light together. And now it's yours. Have it, Light Eater.
What does the light get up to in dark?.. Can you really trust one who would fight their own shadow?
Themes to touch on: It's a big crazy world, with everyone sayin' they're right, yet everything goes to crap.Airoar will speak to the nature of self. How we are all inclined to believe everyone else is evil, and that we are good, and that this is where factions form, and that there is something good to this in that it unifies people, puts them together towards common goals, and if we align ourselves beyond petty things we can achieve great things, but more often than naught division is used to pit us against one another. It takes effort to see the good in others, it hides like a shadow. The same qualities that makes someone a great ally makes them a terrible foe, conviction, relentlessness, rightousness, judgement. Great when they are on your side, "Evil" when employed by the "enemy".
Hey there, I am Airoar... I'm a mistake that makes the dark and light cross! I'm the happiest little accident you'll come across!
They say riddles wrapped in pain haunt these halls. But once you get used to their tongue in your ear, you'll hear some pretty good jokes! The dark likes to be edgy, like yer new toys. I spend most my time out here! The voices get me, you know?
Are those old souls upstairs still getting hot and bothered over each other! All that bickerin' and I can't help but think either side distributing weapons to younglings should be no basis for a system of governance!
For all the talk of light and dark, they're really all the same. Us and Them. What's all the hubub!? Both sides are good and bad in the same darned ways. It's madness. But there be no ill gotten power in peace, so they smash the world to pieces, claimin' up the shards.
When they want ya to do somethin' for 'em, you're us! When they want ta' take from ya you're them!
I say be careful where you point yer toys, the foes whos organs you tasked to rearrange are a lot more like you than ya think and you don't wanna go around setting the precedent.
Don't worry, won't lecture ya forever, lord knows there's enough preachin' these days.
Truth be told, I don't know what to make of what of the madness plaguing our worlds. Ya try to do some good, they kick ya into the dirt and shame ya, say you're fightin' for the wrong team. Only time they'll praise ya is when yer kickin' their enemies inta the dirt. Sometimes I wonder if the crazier yer labeled, the more sane ya are! Shame we gotta sort everything 'ta light and dark, why can't we all just be on the same team and then there won't be nothin' to complain about!?
We may not share the same dimension toplander, but you can relate to all these people trying to tell ya what to think, what's right and who's wrong. Funny what's best for you is what's best fer them, huh? All these whispers around, all tryin' to get you ta do this or that. To end the pain and agony, or to give them their hit of light, to bring meaning to the dark. Everyone wants everyone else to solve their problems for 'em!
*Sigh* it would be nice if we could end all the bickering with a snap, but I still haven't figured out how to do that with these durned fins!
I don't know who's wrong or who's right, but I do know that everyone seems to have this hole in them they're trying to fill and sometimes I just want to scream back, SO GET UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! People love to talk about problems, but rarely do they roll up their sleeves and get to makin' the solution! And if you ask me we need new solutions because these seas are too darned salty!
If they care so much why aren't they fightin'!? They've lived a long life, why must the young suffer who have so much darkness and lightness ahead? If they really believed in their causes, maybe they wouldn't be languishing around in this cave letting their armor collect dust! It's a sad SeaCrit that those who have the least respect for others end up lyin' and shmoozin' their way into power over others. It's us level headed folk that just try to live our day to day and end up under their boots.
You know what I respect about you, player? You're a do'er! We need more do'ers! Light, dark, good, evil. If there's one thing I can't stand it's all these people standing' on the sideline coercin' you to fight their battles for 'em! Most go through the motions, do what all the mad whispers tell 'em to do. Sure must be nice to sit on the sidelines waitin' on the spoils of pulp from everyone else grindin' themselves in the wheels! Too many people listening to whispers, shadows on the wall, eccos spoken in ancient tongues from distant times, we don't understand those eccos any more...
Damn their fetch quests! Forge your own light, cast yer own shadow! Don't ever give up. Ain't nothin' ta' make of anything if ya don't try, no matter the odds. If all be lost, what have ya to lose, anyhow!?
Fight the good fight, or fight the bad fight by any cause you choose. Do what YOU feel is right! Or don't! Trust yer gut, experience the world, find yer own truth hidden in the madness! What gets ya out of bed in the mornin' and sets ya to work is the meat of the story anyhow. Stop fixating the end, it doesn't matter!
At the very least, try to have some fun here in the safety of our SeaCrit, 'fore the shutter of our final light, 'fore the pang of as final end bite!
From behind this fourth wall, in all earnesty, thank you for indulging our SeaCrit. It's been a long bumpy road to carry it this far. Where the journey takes us, none can know. But soldier on we will!
(?) Requires rewrite
to write: a word of perfect order and light would be as tragic as one of absolute chaos and dark. The stronger the light, the more precious the shadow, the more ubiquitous the dark, the more precious a single spark of light. What is the true seacrit? here's the everlasting rub, neither are you good nor bad. Passion play (tull)
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Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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