You have bugs? Good. That means you've dev'd for something, sometime in your life
What a break! 3 days off the project and I feel like a total worthless lump and what a great feeling that is. Gone is the funk where I would take weeks or even months off and just feel a sense of "fuck it, the game sucks anyway and the world is bullshit". The world is still batshit, but I'm gonna push forward in the coming days because fuck it all. I was torn between 2 grand blogpost ideas tonight, part of me wanted to speak to the core design elements I would be revamping and the story behind them, and how you can't force your "good" ideas on a project and the other was on my self absorbed process of creating this game, creating these blogs no one reads for a game no one views, blog posts no views with videos in them with no views and how important that has been for the project, because an audience (or maybe invisible boss is a better way of saying it), even if it's imaginary, is still fucking important.
I sat down to try to sort a little technical issue that was driving me crazy, and in doing so found another small technical issue, and being a little scatterbrained I tried fixing stuff that wasn't broken and 2 hours later I was pulling my hair out tackling an increasingly growing # of issues with a tired brain as my repo was starting to blow up and there was a small chance I would do something horrifically wrong and doom the entire project. Not a good day. But powered through it, stopped being a dumbass, exposed variables, found where the problem was (some stupid little fucking mistake in some random script) and wrapped shit up so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed to whoop some ace today (maybe tomorrow, still feeling bleh).
It's so god damned easy to think to yourself "what could I have done to have avoided that little shit show I experienced earlier" I could have commented these variables better, I could have used more easily understandable logic, I could have set up various debug call that I could have quickly enabled to debug problems in the future (holy shit this is actually a good idea I'm going to try to do this).
There comes a damned point where you realize if you do every little darned thing to prevent some little tiny issue you're going to hamstring yourself and you're never going to finish your project. And MOST OF ALL, you're going to bloat your project with so much preventative garbage and sprawling code meant to safeguard stuff that you're going to actually going to create a massive dead field that no one ever touches and one day something's going to spark and it's all going to go up in flames and all your little plans of perfection are going to blow up in your face.
KEEP SHIT SIMPLE AND WHOOP ASS as best you can, that's all you can do. The only safeguards worth a damn are in your noggin' as you become better and better with hard earned lessons.
I remember handling a massive swathe of the art pipeline at this one studio early in my "career" and one day some random pot laying on the ground was pink because of a minor shader issue I hadn't caught that day, a rare error on my end considering the sheer volume of junk I was balancing. HOLY SHIT you would have thought I had inadvertently put 5 gigabyte textures onto arrows, or snuck into the code base and filled them with junk code. There's a large problem in gamedev where a lot of neckbeard know it all's, or maybe just a manager wanting to look like they're doing their job, who are looking for ANY reason to reprimand anyone, or to blather about their perfect workflows so they can get their little leg up on everyone else in the office.
Whenever I hear about a game being in 10 year long dev hell this is what I think of. A bunch of uninspired jackasses throttling the development of the project thinking if only everyone just did things my way the project would be flying forward as they gut every ounce of creative energy and turn work into a hellish nightmare that just as prone to things breaking as it ever was before.
Keep your logic sensible, if you do something "tricky" redo it
Unless you're working alone then fuck it just trust your gut.
==========THERE WILL BE BUGS==========
Shit will break, you will enter nightmare scenarios where your heart is pumping and you're fearing if you don't sort something everything is going to explode. Every shitshow is a learning experience, but if you allow them to force you into a state of perpetual prudishness your codes going to go weak and you're games going to be shit.
So go hard, make mistakes, learn how to fix them faster, learn to avoid making them in the first place to a reasonable degree. Don't be that neckbeard fuck that's pointing fingers because everyone else on the team is getting shit done and thus making mistakes. Everyone's a fucking critic, it's so fucking easy to be a critic.
Get SeaCrit
Deceptively Deep!
Status | In development |
Author | illtemperedtuna |
Genre | Action, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Beat 'em up, Casual, Indie, Roguelike, Roguelite, Side Scroller, Singleplayer |
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- Oh Lor’ Do I Miss Coffee8 hours ago
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